Chapter 3 - Shocking News

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Ahana's POV:

Today is Saturday. As Dhruv has no office, we both decided to meet for breakfast. So, I woke up early and prepared breakfast for everyone by 8. Yeah, on weekends, they wake up late, at 8 or 9. So... it is ok if I prepare a bit late these days.

After they woke up, I prepared tea and gave them. I drank myself too. On weekdays, I have time to drink tea and eat breakfast. Yesterday I asked for permission to go out for breakfast with Dhruv. Luckily, they didn't say no.

I showered and wore pink and blue legin and top. Yah... you might have understood by now that my fav color is blue. I put a small clip to my hair and went to the hotel where we generally meet. I went inside and saw him waiting.

"Hi Dhruv"

"Hi Ahana. It has been long time since we met" he said. We took our order and sat.

"How is office?" I asked.

"Same. Same. Lot of work and the same boring work. You tell me about yours" he asked.

"Same but it is nice. In fact, we have a tech fest next month. From now onwards, there will be more events so I am thinking to complete the portion as much as possible before the fest. You need to come to the annual fest this time" I said him sternly.

"I wish but... I may not be able to come to your annual fest" he said sadly. I raised my eyebrows.

"I may have to go to Brazil on project work" he said slowly giving me time to digest the info and respond. Going Brazil on project work... Wow... so good.

"Wow... so you got the opportunity to go onsite!!!!" I exclaimed shaking his hand. I am so happy for him. He really deserve the opportunity. Even though he says the work is boring, he takes it seriously.

"yeah. I waited long for this. I am so happy" he said clapping lightly like a child. I laughed at his gesture. Before coming here, I thought of confessing my feelings to him today but I think it has to wait. It is worth waiting. I want him to complete his trip without having any other thoughts in his mind. I don't want our friendship to spoil after I confess. I can't take that. So, I better wait. No problem. I smiled to myself.

"I am so happy for you" I said smiling widely.

"Why don't you come with me? I feel so bored without you" he said. I laughed and reminded him of my college. But yeah even I wish to go with him and it is nice to know that he feels bored without me.

"How long will you be staying there? Maybe I can visit you during holidays" I said thinking about the holidays I will get in summer.

"That is ok. I might be staying there for 6 months" he said. I nodded.

"Actually, I called you here to tell you an important news. In fact, to confess" he said rubbing his hands. Huh? Is he going to confess that he loves me?

"I love someone" he said. Now I am more excited. Is it me?

"What? Who is she? Tell me Dhruv" I urged him. Is he going to confess his feelings for me? Does he feel the same as I feel for him? I shyly looked down.

"I love you" he said. What? He loves me? Dhruv loves me? This is the best thing I have ever had. I don't mind that he told me here in public. It is him and his words that all matters to me. I looked up to confess the same but I saw him looking behind me.

"I love you" he told looking behind me.

Huh? I turned around and shocked to see... Charvi?!!. What is she doing here? He got up and dragged another chair between us. He kissed her hand and made her sit on the chair. I am shocked at the scene.

"What?" I asked meekly. I may cry immediately if anyone ask me how am I feeling. I am holding it on the edge.

"Yes Ahana. I love Charvi, your sister" he said smiling. I looked at Charvi shocked. She smiled at me innocently.

"Ohh Ahana. I think you are shocked. You see, I love him and confessed to him 2 weeks back" she said.

"yeah Ahana. Before she confessed, I never saw her in that way. But the words she used made my heart beat fast. Then I understood that we are made for each other. The past 2 weeks we got to know each other" he said. The time when he told he is busy is not true. In fact, he is with her? I, on the other hand, thought about him. Charvi loves Dhruv? Why do I feel hard to digest this? Since when she loved him? How come I don't know?

"You need to help us in telling our family and get us engaged before Dhruv leaves for Brazil" she said holding my hand. I immediately retrieved it.

"Say something Ahana" Dhruv said.

All this time, I am being played by my sister and my best friend. Although he did not play with me but still he lied to me. I would have never opposed to them and sacrificed my love if Charvi really likes him.

"I need time" I said not believing my voice. If I stay any longer I might shout at them or cry for my fate.

"Sure sure" they said and went into their dream land. I left from there and went to house. I neglected mom calling me and ran to my room. I cried to myself thinking about what happened.

"Ohh Ahana. Why were you crying sister?" asked Charvi coming to me. I faced her furiously.

"Why did you do this? You knew that I love him. Then why?" I asked her.

"Because I love him too" she said as if it is a casual thing.

"LIAR... You are a LIAR" I yelled.

"No. I love him too but he never observed me. Always he used to see you only. I don't know what he sees in you. I have beauty but you have nothing" she yelled.

"So, I used the letter you wrote about your confessions to confess my feelings for him" she said.

"What? That is my letter? How can you use that? He fell for that letter not for you" I yelled.

"Those are only words. But still I love him too. What are you going to do now? At that time, he might have given me a chance because of the letter but now he really likes me. So, it doesn't matter" she yelled, threw that letter on my face and left the room.

I took that letter and cried seeing it. Later, in the evening, I went down and told my parents and brother what happened. But guess what, they supported Charvi only.

"At least Charvi gets married" mom said.

"But Ahana is our elder daughter. Don't you think we need to see a match for her first?" asked father.

"We don't know when her match will be fixed. So, let us marry off Charvi first as match is already ready. Dhruv is a well to do boy" mom said.

"Don't you have any concern about my feelings? Charvi cheated by taking my letter" I yelled.

"Shut your mouth lady. Don't raise your voice on me" mom yelled.

"But it is wrong. A marriage should be based on trust not lies" I said but no one listened to me. I left from there, went to my room and cried for myself.


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The picture above tells how Ahana is feeling when she is played by her sister.

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