Chapter 23 - Trip Part 2

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Ahana's POV:

We are on the way to trekking. It is now 4:30 am and we are planning to reach the top of the hill by the time of sunrise. Yesterday, I have enjoyed my time swimming. I always liked to swim and wanted to learn but never voiced out my thoughts about it and it is not like I might have got what I want even if I had told.

Dev helped me a lot. He held my hand and never left it, nor shown any sign of frustration. I felt so comfortable in his presence. Even though I feel that I am not beautiful, I just don't express it outside as I might give chance to others to say their thoughts about me loudly and I can't bear if I hear someone say I am ugly. But with Dev, I feel that I can say whatever I want to say. I feel the need to let him know my thoughts. So, I have voiced my thoughts on how I feel about myself. Of course, I ended up getting scold for that but still it felt good for once to be scolded.

"Okay guys, you need to divide into groups if you want to have a competition" said the instructor.

"Yes!!! Let's do that but you don't get to choose your partner" he said. We looked at him confused.

"I have prepared chits already" he said showing us 3 chits.

"Three of you take a chit and see who your partner is" he said. Dev, Rani and Kaira took one each. Anurag and Abhi already paired up as Abhi is a small girl.

"Tanya" said Rani. They both smiled and held hands.

"Ohh god.. please let it be not that moron" said Kaira. I smiled at her childishness while Bhavin glared at her.

"Bhavin" said Dev. Ohh that leaves me with Kaira. She got her wish fulfilled. But frankly , I am sad that I am not paired with Dev.

"Hey I have got Bhavin" shouted Kaira. What?

"But when.." started Dev but before he could complete, Kaira exchanged their shits.

"Like this" she said.

"Ohh babe, I never knew that you wanted me this much" said Bhavin in a flirt tone.

"Ohh shut up moron. Don't get your hopes up" she said and rolled her eyes.

"So, it is Ahana and Dev now" said Kaira smiling. She did this intentionally. But I couldn't help but smile.

"Awww... look who is blushing" said Tanu bursting my bubble , pinching my cheeks. Way to make me embarrassed. Yayyyy Tanu, note the sarcasm.

"Shut up. I don't know what you are speaking about" I said and looked at Dev and saw him smiling. Tanu... wait till you are alone with me.

"Hey, you need not complete the trekking fast. Spend time with him. Don't you think you can tell him about your 'past'" she said in a low tone so that only I can hear. I think I can tell him. Like I admitted to myself, I feel safe with him and I am sure he won't judge me. When I told him I need time, and he gave, then it is my responsibility that I give a thought to our feelings. If we really want to be in a relation then it is important that he knew about me completely.

"I think you are right. I feel the same. I will see the good moment and tell him" I said. As the whistle blew, we all started and went to find our own way up along with our partner.

"Ahana, hold my hand. Now, we don't want you to fall down right" he said laughing.

"Ohh really, let us see who is good at this" I said smirking. I didn't go for trekking before but come on, it is time to grow up and learn things. A little fun is life is necessary.

"Is that a challenge I hear?" he asked amused.

"Yes, Mr. Devansh Agrawal, any problem? No issues you can admit that you fear of losing" I said smirking. He laughed out loud.

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