Chapter 38 - All is well that ends well

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Here is another chapter in the same day! Isn't it wow!!!!


Ahana's POV:

It has been a week since our marriage, since Dev's life was in danger. Yes, luckily the operation was successful and he is out of danger. He was advised to take rest for a month. But Dev being himself doesn't want to be in hospital. It took all of our energy to make him stay for a week in the hospital for doctor's observation. Now he is adamant on leaving.

"I guess it is true that people behave childishly after marriage" murmured Nirshi.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him playfully.

"Oops... I don't mean you SIL but about men" he said earning him a smack on the head from Dev.

"You know I am still here and can hear you. I am not handicapped to beat you" said Dev glaring at him.

"Ohh please... it was meant for you to hear" he said and immediately ran and stood behind me to avoid getting smacked again.

"BTW you are a man too. I will tell you the same thing once you get married" Dev said making me laugh at their childish tactics.

"May be but I am sure I will be matured than you" Nirshi said making Dev face beet red and making me laugh harder.

"YOU.." Dev started.

"Dev, cut him some slack now" I said to stop their bickering and continued packing.

"Now you are taking his side rather mine!!!" Dev exclaimed. "It is true that woman take sides after marriage. They find fault in whatever their husbands say"

I raised my eyebrows at his drama. Ohh really.

"Of course, finally you got to know that bro. SIL always takes my side rather than yours" Nirshi said laughing and teasing Dev.

"Okay stop you both. Dev, cut the drama if you want to get discharged and go home" I said sternly.

"Now that made him quiet" Nirshi said controlling his laugh.

"Shut up and help your SIL in packing. I want to go home" Dev said, more like ordered.

" Okay, now that is not how you speak if you don't want me to delay your discharge. Say the magic word bro"

"UUUghhhh" Dev grunted.

"Nah, that is not the word"

Dev muttered under his breath and I know pretty well on what he said. I am sure Nirshi heard it too but is there anyone who could really stop him.

"What? I couldn't hear. Say louder"


"Ohhh... its okay. You need not request me that much" Nirshi said laughing and went for packing the rest of the items. Uncle and aunt have come and helped us get Dev home. We didn't go to Pune and thought of waiting for a week before we ensure his condition to travel. Our friends went back yesterday to look after the company. Dev took the room downstairs instead of his room upstairs.

"Okay Dev, you take rest" said mom(aunty).

"Ahana, you take care of his food and medicines. If he says no to anything, then he is going to stay the entire month here and not moving anytime soon to Pune" she threatened him making him pout and left the room. I helped him sit against the headboard of the bed and gave him his medicine.

"Don't you want to sleep? It is already 10pm" I said.

"No" he said and continued, "We have to talk". I know what he meant and nodded.

"Dev" I started but he cut me off. "Don't. You don't have to apologize, Ahana. It is not your mistake. I am glad that I took the knife for you and I am ready to do any number of times over"

"Please don't say like that. I can't see you go through this again" I said.

"I know and neither do I want you to get hurt" he said and we stayed silent for sometime.

"I want to know how are you handling all this. We never thought of this. I mean about your biological mother and everything else"

"it is shocking truth for me. I always wanted to know the reason behind the hatred I received but I never thought of any possibility. I don't know how I would have reacted if the reason is something else. But this is unexpected" I said with tears brimming my eyes. He squeezed my hand indirectly asking me to continue and let out my thoughts. He is not the one to pity others but rather takes things and responds rationally. That is the best quality of him which I love.

"It is like my life with them till now was a lie. They are not my biological family to begin with!! And... and I don't know how to take all this. Should I be happy that they didn't abandon me or should I be angry that they blamed me for it. In fact, I am not angry they blamed me but for what happened to you"

"Sshhh... don't cry" he consoled me. After sometime I stopped crying and we sat together in each other's arms for sometime.

"Ahana, I don't want you to blame them for what happened to me. In fact, your mom didn't intend to hurt me. Of course, I am so angry that she tried to harm you. Believe me, when I woke up, for the entire week in the hospital, I thought of not letting you meet them again. I don't want you to be hurt by them anymore. And mom told me that they came to the hospital and she also told about the conversation you had" he said. I nodded my head as a yes.

"I told her my decision of not letting them anywhere near you. I flipped on knowing that they came to hospital and spoke with you. I was afraid on what happened to you"

"Are you serious? You are hurt not me" I said rolling my eyes.

"Ohh I can't help but feel protective of you my queen" he said instantly making me smile.

"Same as always my King" I said.

"But mom told me that I should leave the decision to you. There could be many things running in your mind and seeing me like this makes you an emotional jeopardy" he said.

"She is very rational and welcoming. I never knew how she handles everything so well" I said feeling happy.

"That she is" he accepted.

"I want to you leave about the accident that happened and think things over and then decide. Before we come here, we never wanted to take things that make us sad with us. And I want to keep our relation and future unharmed from this like we thought. Always remember, we are here with you" he said boosting my confidence in an instant.

A few days passed and Dev is slowly recovering. There is an improvement in his condition. He is feeling less pain as the days go by and I couldn't ask for more. But in the past days, he didn't even once ask about returning to Pune and I wonder why. I don't think it is because of the mere threaten by mom about his food and medicine. He didn't say anything like being unjustly when Nirshi went back. But I don't want to think over small things and complain. I am happy as long as he is healthy.

"Ahana" Dev called.

"Yeah coming" I said from the Kitchen. I am making Kichidi for him. He is recommended to eat this daily until he fully recovers. He hates this but tries not showing it to me and praises it saying it tasted different and special from the last every time I make it.

"AHANA" Dev called in fact shouted.

"OMGGG Dev. Stop shouting. I will come in 2min" I said. I completed the work and went to the living room.

"What is that you want so urgently?" I asked going to the living room. But I am shocked to find the people I least expected sitting there.

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