Chapter 24 - Jealousy

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Ahana's POV:

It has been a month since we returned from the trip. We all returned to our works. Dev and others are busy with their collaboration work with a good company. Many companies are coming forward to let them join in theirs. But the gang wants to collaborate and yet work like before. They want to take up projects and work as a team. They want to be independent even after collaborating.

They are speaking to the companies about the same. They are preparing presentations of the work they did. It seems to be hard to make the company accept to their terms.

They are making trips across globe for this sake. I hope they get the collaboration done soon. They would make a history. Due to his busy work, we couldn't meet each other more than thrice but Dev is trying to contact me whenever he could and I appreciate his effort.

Like usual, I woke up and got ready to go to college. The academic year starts in a month and we are preparing notes for the next year.

"Tanu, the breakfast is on the table" I said putting things in my bag.

"No time yaar. Sorry" she replied. What?

"Hey no skipping meals. Eat and go" I said sternly. She knows that it is better not to argue with me in this matter. So she started eating.

"Are you guys going somewhere again?" I asked.

"Yeah, this time along with Dev, Kaira is going. Haven't you spoken with Dev?" she asked.

"No, he is quite busy. He came back day before yesterday and was busy with presentation since then. Now he is leaving again!!!" I exclaimed.

"You know he is making effort to speak with you" she said keeping her hand on mine.

"hey, no worries. I am aware of that. Once the collaboration happens, this burden would reduce" I said smiling and continued, "why don't you guys hire someone for this purpose. Even after the collaboration, I am sure you need some one to have the legal papers and look after this"

"yeah, that is a very good idea" came the voice I yearned to listen. I looked up and saw Dev coming towards us.

"Hey" he greeted me. I went to him and greeted him.

"I am sorry. I had to leave again. I felt bad to say it on phone like last time. So came up early here to meet you before going" he said.

"That is okay. I can understand" I assured him.

"Your idea about someone like a consultant and a legal advisor is good. I don't know how I overlooked it. See you are amazing" he said hugging me. I hugged him back, smiling. You can say that we are in a relationship now. I mean dating. After coming from the trip, Dev proposed about this and I accepted it.

"Tanu, tell the team that we need a consultant and a good legal advisor. I will put an official mail too" he said. After our goodbyes, they left.

Like discussed, a consultant and a legal advisor are hired. As they are new, Dev and Bhavin went along with them to speak with companies. It has been a few days since I met Dev. I didn't speak with him since 3 days and I wonder how he is doing.

"Ahuuuuu.... Good newssss" said Tanu shouting.

"What is that?" I asked excitedly.

"We are being collaborated with Apple" she said jumping.

"Wowwww yaar.. that is so good. Congratulations" I said.

"When deal was done yesterday, we were so happy. I thought of calling you immediately but felt that I need to know your expression when I say this" she said hugging me. Yesterday? Why didn't Dev say me anything? May be he thought of telling me directly I thought smiling.

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