Chapter 16 - Lunch

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On the occasion of my friend's birthday, i am publishing 2 chapters in a day!!!! Yayyyy.. i have got this idea and wrote it as a chapter.

Let me know how is it and don't forget to vote if you like it :) :)

Before starting this chapter, i dont know that i will be getting this much matter to write. It may not be more for some but for me it is. I am suprised to see the words count after i have published this chapter. 

I just started writing and went with the flow:) Still i need your suggestions on how I move forward from here :)


Dev's POV:

2 weeks went by since the date with Ahana. We all are busy with the college fest preparations. So, I couldn't get much time to speak or go out with her again. Even though we met in the college a couple of times, we couldn't get the chance to speak as her colleagues are with her. I wish to tell them to give us privacy but I don't want to keep her in an uncomfortable situation.

It is enough that my gang knew about us and I am sure they would have spoken with her about our date. I know that they are trying to help us and I hope it didn't back fire making her more uncomfortable with me. Since the annual fest is done, and college final semester exams will be starting in a few days, they have preparation holidays now. Presently even I don't have a project lining up. When I am thinking for an idea, I heard my mom call me.

"Yes mom" I called to her going to the living room. She and dad are watching some movie in the TV.

"Since your project is done, I am sure you will be free now" she said and I nodded telling her to continue.

"Your dad and I are thinking that it would be nice to call Ahana for lunch at our house if it is okay with her" she said.

"Wow mom, dad, you guys are the best. Even I am thinking what to do and you have found a route for the solution" I said hugging them.

"I am sure she will be happy once she gets to know our family. She might be missing her family and having this family lunch will be a good idea" I said beaming with happiness. They smiled looking at me. I went to my room, took my phone and dialed her number.

"Hello" came her sweet voice.

"Hi Ahana" I greeted

"Hi Dev" she said lowly. Huh? I heard some giggling in the background.

"Is Tanya next to you?" I asked smirking even though she couldn't see me.

"Of course, she is, thanks to you for keeping me in this embarrassed situation "she replied. I know she is not mad at me and is just replying like that.

"Me? What did poor innocent me did?" I asked trying me ignorant.

"Innocent? You are anything but that" she said. Okay, it sounded in a different way and my insides are churning up wanting something else. I think even she realized as she went silent.

"I mean that you did it intentionally" she said stuttering a little.

"Of course, I took you on a date because I want to" I said laughing at her covering. She is so innocent.

"Now stop rubbing your cheeks to lose the blush" I said guessing what she is doing now.

"N- No I am not doing that" she said

"Then what are you doing?" I asked.

"I am cutting vegetables for dinner" she said.

"Really? At 10pm in the night, you are cooking dinner? And you want me to believe that?" I asked amused by her answers. I heard laughter in the background.

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