Chapter 19 - Harsh Truth

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Ahana's POV:

I ran into the apartment after that chat with Dev. I can't believe that he likes me. Me!!! Me?!!! Who will like me? No one will because I am not good. I don't understand what is the mistake I did to earn such hatred feelings towards me. All these thoughts created fountain of tears making me temporary blind and loose my balance. I tripped on the stairs, twisting my right leg in the process. Pain shot through it making it impossible for me to walk. I cried out in pain. I don't know for which pain am I crying, for the physical pain in my leg or the pain in my heart that my own people caused.

I forcibly made myself to walk towards the elevator and then up to the floor of the flat. I know I am not supposed to put pressure on it so that it can heal but I could care less. For whose sake should I care about myself. It is not like there is some one who needs me. I am living alone and I am sure one day, I will die alone. So, I don't care whatever happens to me anymore.

As soon as I got out of elevator, I was about to fall due to the pain but didn't as I took the support of the wall. I don't want to make any scene here as there were neighbors. Even though I don't care what others think of me anymore, but I couldn't bring disgrace to Tanu because of me. At least I could do this much to her. I slowly walked towards the flat with the support of the wall. As soon as I got near the door, I cursed myself for not taking key before coming up. Today morning, in my haste I forgot to take the spare key with me. Feeling helpless I stood near the door with the support of the wall.

After a few minutes, elevator dinged and Tanu came out of it. She came and opened the door and went inside. With the help of the door and wall, I managed to go in and immediately collapsed on the sofa. I brought my leg up, rubbing the part where it sprained.

"What happened?" Tanu asked. I looked up and saw her holding a glass of water.

"I twisted my leg and sprained my ankle" I said looking back at my leg.

"Of course you will with the way you walked away" she scolded.

"I know, I know I am-" I started but she cut me off.

"Stop all that and drink water. I wont take no for an answer" she scolded again. Serious Tanu is always scary. I obliged and took water from her and drank it. She took the glass, put it away and closed the main door. She went into the Kitchen and returned after a few minutes with a big bowl filled with pop corn in one hand and ice bag in the other. She put them in my hands and turned on the TV and put a movie. Everyone may think that she might have put a movie to ease me up but no, Tanya always differs. She has put a very sad movie. I don't know the name of it but I know that it is a very sad movie. Does she want me to cry more or what? A sad movie with a bowl of popcorn!!!! I am sure no one would have tried this combo ever.

After putting the movie, she switched off lights with only a bed light on, enough for us to see the room and each other. She came and sat beside me.

"Let us watch the movie eating the popcorn" she said.

"Pop corn and this movie!!" I asked bewildered.

"Why? Is there any rule that we need to eat pop corn while watching some fun movie? I am sure there isn't" she said.

"I don't feel like watching this movie. I will go to my room" I said and about to get up but she stopped me by holding my hand.

"Don't even think about it and how can you even go with that foot of yours? And why didn't you even start putting the ice on that leg?" she scolded again. What is it? Is it Tanya's scolding day today or what?

"It was already bad enough as you have put a pressure on it. Before it become worse, put this bag" she said. I put the ice bag on my leg making it twitch with the pain. It hurts...

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