Chapter 6 - New Life

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Ahana'a POV:

I reached Pune by Saturday morning. I went to the apartment whose address is given to me. The owner lady told that she will wait for me there.

"Hello... Are you Mrs. Lakshmi?" I asked the lady who stood in the cellar of the apartment.

"Yes. Are you Miss Ahana?" she asked. I nodded smiling. She seems to be in her mid-50's.

"Welcome to Pune dear. You will be staying in flat 302" she said moving towards the lift. I followed her with my luggage.

"I guess, you own this flat. But why aren't you staying here if you don't mind me asking" I asked.

"No problem. We bought another house after my husband retired. So we are staying there" she said. I nodded and we got into the lift.

"Here you don't have any water problem. It has enough furniture. But regarding the bills, gas etc, you should discuss with your roommate. I am telling you now only" she said sternly. I nodded. We got out of the lift and walked towards 302 flat. From outside, this apartment doesn't look bad. Inside too, it has good maintenance. We rang the bell and a girl opened the door. She looked as if she just woke up.

"What Mrs. Lakshmi? You woke me up from my beauty sleep" she pouted. The owner just rolled her eyes and asked me to come in.

"You knew that your roommate is going to come, right. Then why are you sleeping this late?" she asked.

"Late? Today is Saturday which means 'sleeping till noon' day" she said. The owner just shook her head and told me to get acquainted and left.

I closed the door and turned to see the girl still there. She might be of same age as me. She has silky hair, and of normal weight. She is not too white but still good looking. I know you might be wondering why am I observing how is she and her weight. But what can I do. After hearing all those comments in my house, I started comparing myself whenever I see a new person.

The girl came towards observing me from top to bottom. Then she extended her hand and said, "Hi I am Tanya". Smiling, I took her hand and said, "I am Ahana"

"You are from Hyderabad, right?" she asked sitting on a sofa chair. I nodded and asked about her.

"I am from Mumbai" she said.

"You moved from Mumbai which has high opportunities than Pune !" I exclaimed.

"Yes because I want to stay independently. Why did you move from Hyderabad? There are good opportunities there too" she asked

"Same reason" I said not wanting to say more. She nodded.

"Okay, you can see the flat and feel free to cook anything. The room across Kitchen, on the right of the living room/hall is yours" she said and went into the opposite to mine. I put my luggage in my room.

Finally, I am free and i want to live my life the way i want. I might have come here due to different reasons and the reasons hurt but it i would like to stop thinking about my past and move on.

God... Please give me strength to move on in my life and lead it the way i want. I don't want to wait for someone to come and love me. I want to be the person i want to be. Give me strength and your support for that.


I know it is a very small chapter but i just feel like keeping this as a new chapter.

I have completed publishing my story - "What;s happening to me?". You  can see it on my profile. I would like it if you go and check. It is different from this story so even if in case you didn't like this, you can give that story a try :) :)

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