Chapter 13 - A step forward

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Dev's POV:

Soon the Pooja started. I searched for Ahana and saw that she is sitting with Rani and Tanya. Oops... I need to make one of them get up so that I can sit beside her.

"Hey Kaira. Tell Tanya that you are not able to bear Bhavin and ask her to sit with you" I said to Kaira. She nodded and did the same. Luckily, Tanya said ok and came and sat with Kaira. I took this opportunity and sat with Ahana.

"Hey Ahana" I said.

"Hi Dev. I didn't get the chance to say it before. Thanks for inviting me to the Pooja" she said giving a small smile. I nodded and smiled back. I observed a cover in her hands. It seems like coconut and flowers.

"Hey you brought them for Pooja?" I asked her pointing to the cover.

"Yeah. I felt like getting something and thought this is better. Hope you don't mind" she said.

"Not at all. Your thought is so good. See these stupids, who are my so-called friends, sitting there. They didn't get this idea any time" I said. She laughed. I felt at ease seeing her laugh. Good going Dev.

"here let me keep" I said and took the cover. I put the items in a plate near to the idol.

"Thanks" she said.

"No problem. If you don't mind me saying, you look good today. Not that you look bad before, you always look good and today more" I said. She just smiled which didn't reach her eyes. I understood that she doesn't think herself as beautiful.

"I see that you don't believe me" I said.

"I am just as I always am" she said.

"Why do you think like that. One has to love oneself" I said. She thought for some time and asked, "According to you, what is meant by beauty?"

"It is something which is in us. I mean our attitude. Whatever we think will reflect in our eyes. When one is confident and always thinks positive, and be happy then their eyes shine and they are the most beautiful persons according to me" I said and looked at her. I can see a pleasing look in her eyes. I am happy for being the reason of that look.

"I never thought a boy would think like that. No offense but generally, men prefer outer beauty" she said.

"Yes, but that is only for our enjoyment, you can say. We mature while growing up and learn the fact of life that external beauty is temporary" I said.

"Wow... nice said" she said and I thanked her.

"No one has ever told that to me. That I am beautiful. You made me feel nice" she said and continued, "I mean I don't want you to say that always just because no one told. I don't like if any one feels pity of me" I stopped her and said, "Never. Never will I say for that reason. What I told you before is what I really thought of you" I said. She smiled.

After sometime, the Pooja is over. My mom started distributing Prasad which is laddu that my mom prepared.

"My mom prepares nice laddus" I said to Ahana.

"Really! Nice. So, I get a chance to eat then now" she said.

"What are you saying Dev?" asked mom coming towards us smiling. She gave us Prasad.

"Complaining on me?" mom asked. She knew I will never do that. I shook my head smiling.

"No aunty. He is telling how your laddus are so famous" Ahana said smiling at mom.

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