Chapter 4 - Engagement

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Ahana's POV:

I know that they are not going to listen to me. But I need to do something. I cannot let Dhruv be deceived like this even though he hurt me. It is not his fault. He never knew that I loved him.

So, I took my phone from the night stand to call him. But it was snatched from my hands. I looked up and saw Mom with my phone and Charvi behind her.

"What are you doing?" mom yelled.

"Something which I am supposed to do. I will tell the truth to Dhruv" I said trying to get my phone from mom's hands. But mom slapped me so hard that I fall. I am shocked. Till now, she used to scold me and at max hold me tightly so that it pains. But never slapped me saying that she doesn't want to touch me. Harsh, I know. But it is the fact. But today she slapped me!!!!

I held my cheek. Tears started covering my vision.

"You are good for nothing. You are not happy and so you don't want Charvi to be happy?" she scolded me. She dragged me to the living room by my hair and threw me on the floor. She went into the Kitchen and came out with a hot spoon.

I am scared looking at her. I got up and about to run, but she caught hold of my hair and pushed me down again.

"Please leave me" I begged standing up.

"You won't listen to me but I have to listen to you? Since the day you were born, you are giving us hell" she shouted at me. I looked at others but no one told anything. They stayed silent. Just then we heard a child's cry. They are from Sam's.

"Saanvi, take your daughter from here" my mom shouted at SIL. She immediately nodded and left with Sam. Following her, Jay also left.

"Listen carefully, you are not going to open your mouth. You have spoken enough. Now shut your mouth. If you tell the truth to anyone then you are going to see a very bad side of me" she said. I am shocked. Who will threaten their daughter like that? I know my mom will do what she says. She might hurt the people I care for. And it is all because I am trying to stop Charvi from spoiling her life and Dhruv' s life.

It is up to them what they want to do. Charvi is still young. But as a mother, mom has to guide her. I can do nothing now. So, I just nodded.

"Listen. Bring all the money you saved from your job" my mom said. I simply nodded as it is better not to question her.

The next day, I went to the bank and withdrew the money just keeping the minimum balance amount. I gave it to my parents. They talked with Dhruv' s parents and they officially came and saw Charvi too. Soon, the engagement date is fixed. It is to be held after 3 days from now.

On the day of engagement...

The house is filled with ours and Dhruv' s relatives. Dhruv wore kurta-pyjama and Charvi wore a beautiful half saree. She is looking so beautiful in that.

[See Charvi and Dhruv's attires for their engagement]

[See Charvi and Dhruv's attires for their engagement]

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