Chapter 34 - Wedding Part 1

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Ahana's POV:

After the function is over, people started dispersing to their rooms. Tomorrow is the big day. Marriage. Dev and I thought to spend some time together with our friends before going to bed.

"How did you guys enjoy the functions till now?" asked Nirshi. We nodded and smiled. There are no words to describe our feeling. It was actually so perfect than I have ever assumed. I never thought I will be able to enjoy all these moments for my marriage. Even when I thought that I loved Dhruv, I never actually thought to this extent.

"Tomorrow is your big day. I couldn't believe we implemented our plan very well till now!" said Tanu excitedly.

"Yeah. Actually, I have never felt that we are implementing a plan. It felt almost real. In fact, it is real but with our good intentions hidden" said Bhavin.

We all nodded accepting his point. Yeah, even I have forgotten about that amidst all these functions. In fact, I never felt that something is not real. Now, also, of course it is real except the fact that Dev and I already know and love each other and he is from a rich family. All this has happened because of the amazing man sitting beside me, his family and our friends.

"When are you going to tell them the truth?" asked Kaira.

"Actually, I am thinking to tell my father at least. He deserves to know" I said.

"Yeah. Even though you told me that they have changed, I am still doubtful. But now, I am sure that it is better if we tell them the truth. Not only your father but others too except your mom of course" Dev said.

"Why except me?" we heard a voice. We turned and saw my mom standing there.

"Mom" I whispered. I immediately went to her.

"What is the truth you are talking about?" she asked seriously.

"That Mrs. Patel, Since Ahana is working in Pune, I asked my employer and transferred to Pune. We didn't get time to tell you because of the preparations" said Dev. Wow... impressive Dev.

"Okay. Then why do you not want to tell me about that?" she asked. I interjected and told, "because I said them not to. I thought you might feel that I am ungrateful and caused my fiancé to transfer instead of me getting the transfer"

"You got that right. Always worrying others for your selfish reasons. You should get it transferred. How stupid it would be if Dev's parents knew about this? Ha BTW did your parents knew,Dev?" she asked Dev. He nodded yes.

"See you are going to a nice family than you actually deserve. Behave yourself" she scolded and left. We all sighed in relief. I am still sad thinking about her words. I felt Dev squeezing my shoulder. I can tell it is him by his touch without actually seeing him.

"Don't worry my queen. Once the marriage is over, we will set everything right" he said patting my shoulder. I nodded.

The next day, I woke up early and got ready. The make-up artist did a good job in making me look good. I wore a red saree as per the ritual and the hair is also done nicely. In my room, I started doing Gauri goddess Pooja(Prayer).

In the mandap (stage in the hall where the wedding takes place), Dev also might be doing Pooja

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In the mandap (stage in the hall where the wedding takes place), Dev also might be doing Pooja. I am excited and at the same time nervous too.

After my Pooja, I was brought to the mandap where Dev and me performed another prayer

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After my Pooja, I was brought to the mandap where Dev and me performed another prayer. Later we went to change clothes to perform the remaining rituals. Rani, Tanu and Kaira accompanied me.

After changing, I started going towards the door to open it and go

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After changing, I started going towards the door to open it and go.

"Wait wait Ahu.."Tanu said pulling me back.

"Why Tanu? The time is running fast. We need to be there on time" I said. Actually, I want to go out and see how Dev is looking. What can I say? Who wouldn't be like this when they are going to marry the love of their life?

"See that goofy smile on her face!!" exclaimed Kaira. I hid my face feeling shy. They all laughed seeing me.

"Allow us to put all the ornaments completely! I don't think you want to go without them" said Rani resuming the work.

"Believe me! They both are ready to go however they are. Let it be undressed!!!!" said Tanu giggling. Oh GOD!!! I glared at her.

"True. But come on yaar... leave that to your first night. Please consider that there are innocent eyes around" said Rani laughing.

"Ohhh GOD!!! You people are unbelievable!!!" I exclaimed embarrassed.

"Hey Rani, only me and Tanu are innocent. You have been doing it daily with Anurag" Kaira said wiggling her eyebrows. Now it is Rani's turn to hid her face and my chance to laugh at her tactics.

"Hushhh... people" Rani said making us laugh harder. Just then my phone beeped indicating a text. It is from Dev. Before I could read it, Tanu snatched it from me.

"Tanu.... Give me that!!!" I yelled.

"Try to take it if you can" she said opening the text.

"Woahhh Dev is not able to control himself!!! He is already missing you!!!" said Kaira.

"Read the text Tanu" said Rani holding me in the place.

"Your lover boy is missing you a lot and is asking for a pic of urs to see!!! " Tanu said. OMG!!! Now I am sure my cheeks are red like tomato... GOD!!!

"Come out of Dev's world. You have a wedding to attend... in fact not just attend but do" said Tanu.

They all went out but what they don't know is there is someone in the room who have listened to their words.

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