Chapter 25 - Confession

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Meens'a POV (Dev's mother):

"Did you hear what people are speaking? They are thinking Dev and Panchi are in a relationship" said Laksh.

"I don't understand what is Dev doing. Why is he giving chance to others to speak wrong?" he said.

"Why are you not speaking? Don't you think we need to speak with Dev and Ahana about this?" he asked me.

"yes mom, I think we need to" said Nishi coming to us with Tanu, Bhavin and Kaira.

"No we shouldn't. This is like a test to their love and they need to win it on their own to strengthen their bond" I told them.

"Now I understood why you are silent. Or else, you would have gone and sent that Panchi out of here in seconds" said Laksh laughing.

"Yes, I can. Because I feel he is my son and no one can come and try to claim him. In the same way, Ahana has to know her importance in Dev's life and how important Dev is to her. Dev has to make her feel that. They need to know they can take decision for one another when it is for good cause. They need to feel like they own that relationship" I said.

"Wow, aunty. You are awesome" said Kaira.

"It is true. That feeling has to be there between them. I can still remember the day when Rani cursed the girl whom she thought is flirting with me when in fact she is asking me for directions and someone from vehicle pushed her and she fell on me" said Anurag making us laugh.

I need that for my son. I have taught him well and it is high time he realize what is happening and set it right.

Dev's POV:

Where did Ahana go? I searched for her and found her near the fountain.

"Ahana" I called out to her as I reached her.

"Dev, what are you doing here?" she asked as soon as she saw me.

"Searching for you. At one minute you were next to me and in next you weren't. What happened? Why are you alone here?" I asked her. I feel that there is something odd.

"Nothing. I see that you are busy. So, I came aside to not disturb you" she said.

"Yes, I am busy. But still I want you with me" I said.

"What?" she asked.

"I might sound like a sadist to stop your work and be with me but I would like it if you are with me" he said.

"Why? I mean I couldn't be of any help to you. I cannot advise you on those matters you deal with because I have no idea about them. It would be better if you have someone who can suggest you and help you, at your side" she said.

"If I need someone like that, then they too will be there with me and help me in my work. But I need you for me. You can be on one side and if I want someone to give me a suggestion or participate in any office related discussion then they will be on my other side" I said.

"Dev, I don't want to be one side for you" she said.

"what are you speaking?"I asked shocked.

"Sorry for my words. I mean to say, if I stay at your side like that then at one point of time you will get frustrated and might feel that it would be better if I am away. The situation might demand that response from you. I cannot bear it if that happens" she said.

"Ahana, is that what you think? Do you think I will ever feel that way about you? Do you think that I will grow sick of you as the time progresses?" I asked feeling hurt.

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