Chapter 17 - Missing Ahana Part 1

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Ahana's POV:

As soon as I entered the flat, I am attacked by Tanu, asking me questions about my lunch.

"So how is it? How did it go? I am sure it went well because Dev's family is so cool" she said smiling broadly.

"You are right Tanu. They all are so good. It is almost unbelievable that such a family exists" I said and continued, "Dev is so lucky to have them. You know what, I even opened a little about my family which I least expected it to happen"

"That is a good thing right. Please tell me that you told them everything" she said. I shook my head no making her groan in disappointment.

"I don't want to burden them with this by taking the advantage of their goodness to me. I should know how to deal with it and move on" I said. She sighed and nodded her head.

"If you think that it will help you move on then I am okay with your decision" she said smiling a little. I am sure I am right by thinking like this. I don't want to dwell on my past and make others too think of it. They have their own life and it is not good to disturb that. I don't know if I am making a huge thing out of a small thing or thinking very little of what I am supposed to think. But I decided to do what I think is right because that is what the best I can do for me and for others.

After a few days, final semester exams have started. In the past days, I was busy in helping students pick out important questions for exam and also in lad external exams. I had been so busy the past days that I didn't even speak much with Tanu. I left early and came late as the lab exams end late.

"Hey" Tanu called.

"Hi" I relied rushing to the Kitchen to grasp something to eat.

"Why are in so rush? I thought the finals have started and you will have break!!!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah but I have got the invigilation and have to go there and later even I have to go for paper correction" I said grabbing an apple. I think this has to do for breakfast.

"What???? So, you don't have holidays at all!! Why did you apply for invigilation and paper correction?!!! We all thought we can go on a trip before full summer hits" she said.

"I am sorry but I have to do this for my living. You already knew that I don't have any savings left. I want to start again so that I can fulfil my dream of having my own house" I said cutting the apple into pieces to eat. I prefer eating this way.

"The salary you get from the job is sufficient right. I mean you don't have a loan or a family to suppo-"she stopped in the mid-sentence and stared at me with wide eyes realizing what she said. I stopped eating and looked at her with hurt.

"I am so sorry... I didn't to hurt you" she said coming to me. What she said is true but it hurts when I hear someone says it. And particularly the one whom I trusted and shared everything.

"You need not be. What you have told is true though. But I need this for my living" I said and immediately rushed out of the house.

Tanya's POV:

Shit shit shit... shit me. Shit my mouth. How can I say such thing? What am I even thinking? Ohh yeah about the trip which we have planned so that Dev and Ahu can come together. Dev is a good guy and Ahana needs some one like him. I am sure he will support her and stands against her so called ghastly family. And Ahana is a good match for him. She will support him and his family. These are not my assumptions. Anyone will tell the same if we see them. When we see them, we feel like they are destined couple if such a feeling even exists.

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