Chapter 40 - Epilogue

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Here you go... The last chapter and the story ends here. I have really enjoyed writing this story and this is best work so far. I would like to write more and your encouragement would be so useful.

Whoever have read this book, I am so thankful for them. Please share among your circle. People have different views and some may like it and some may not. But it takes a lot of effort to think of a plot and put it into words. 


Ahana's POV:

The next day we left for Pune. Appears like Dev made all the reservations and wants to surprise me after I clear the things out with my parents. NO matter what, they are my parents. It is the magic of the bond god has created. Nobody can stay angry with each other in a family. They may be clouded by judgements they make but at the end things will get sorted and work out.

This time, I left for Pune with a light heart and a contentful smile on my face. And this is all because of the person next me who gave hope me and a chance at love. I can no longer remember the pain I felt the first time I left Hyderabad for Pune. The memories will be there and they can't be erased. But they longer affect me. The pain has been slowly taken over by love and happiness diminishing it. If anyone told me 2 years back that I am going to meet such an amazing person, family and friends, I might have given a sad laugh and brushed it off saying there would be no such people in the world. But now if I see anyone who is sad and lost hope then I can assure them that there is better waiting.

If you would ask me about the paper which my parents gave, then I shred it into pieces and threw it away with a smile on my face. Yes, I don't want the person who never cared for me. She knew all along where am I because she gave me up intentionally. But she never bothered to see how am i. Even if there is a good reason for what she did, it is all in the past. I lived so far without her, in fact without even knowing about her. And I can happily go ahead.

2 years later...

Ahana's POV:

I felt kisses on my face, neck, hands. I smiled and looked at my hubby who smiled sheepishly at me.

"Good morning my queen" he said

"Good morning my king" I said kissing him on the lips.

"Hmmm... I can never get enough of you" he said pulling me to him.

"Leave Dev. Remember mom and dad are coming today" I said. I mean my mom and dad. Our relationship improved over the 2 years. They tried to makeup as much as they could for the lost time. Even my bro and sis are also in touch with me. Charvi and Dhruv had a baby girl, Mishra, a year back. Dev and me decided to enjoy our marriage time and plan later for kids. Now I am thinking this is the perfect time for that.

"I know and they will be happy seeing us all lovey dovey" he said.

"Hello mom, hello dad" I said hugging them. MIL and FIL arranged party at the house for our 2nd year anniversary and called our near relatives. This is like a routine on anniversaries because at least such functions we get to meet each other and maintain our relationships in such busy life.

"Ahana, when are you going to fill our hands?" asked mom. I know she is referring to a grand-child. I just looked down feeling shy.

"Come on darling don't be shy. If we want to achieve that, it is better if you stop feeling like that or else the entire time takes to see your face only" Dev said winking at me to which everyone laughed. OHH GOD!!!! I slapped his arm and went to our room. When I was about to close the door, he stopped it and entered, locking the door.

"Sorry " he said kissing my hand.

"Don't try to distract me while saying it" I said pushing him away. He pouted his adorable pout which I couldn't resist but melt.

"Dev... how about we plan for a family" I said. I yelped when he lifted me in his arms.

"I am waiting for you to say that" he said.

"I want a mini you running around the house" he said.

"But I want a mini you" I said raising my eyebrow and smiling.

"Ohh no problem with that" he said making me laugh. This is how it goes between us. If one is sad, the other knew how to make them feel happy. We are not perfect but we accept each other along with their mistakes. We argue with each other but finally come to a conclusion while taking decision. Sometimes he could be right and sometimes I. But isn't this what a relationship is. Isn't this what love is. Love need not be between people who are perfect. It is not about choosing someone and loving them because they are perfect. It is about being perfect for each other. And it is possible when you could accept them with their flaws and love them for what they are. Some marry their loved ones and some fall in love with their married ones. But they are lucky to find a person who can actually love them for who they are.

I got what I have ever hoped for. Love. And now I enjoy the feeling of being loved.

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