Chapter 7 - Friend and a new assignment

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Hi friends!! I know it has been quite sometime since i have last updated. But due to weather conditions, there is no net available. So i was not able to update the story.


Ahana's POV:

The room has a small bed and a window next to that. On the left side of the door there is a cupboard with two doors and keys kept to them. I opened them. Not bad. The space is enough for my things. Next to the window, there is door which leads to a small bathroom. It is also clean. Thank god. I checked all the taps and the water is also coming.

I showered and wore a pink and white leggin – top. I went into the Kitchen and saw that there are utensils enough for both of us. There is note pasted to the stove. I took and read it.

You need to buy groceries for yourself. Since you are new, you can use mine for today J - Tanya.

Okay I can do that. I searched for the ingredients present. But guess what. There is only pasta, Maggie, soup packets here. Seriously. Even she doesn't have ingredients. For now, I will go with Maggie but for lunch I need to buy some.

I prepared Maggie and served in a bowl. I turned to grab a fork. When I turned back the BOWL IS MISSING!! I came to the dining room (small) which Is between the bedrooms and saw Tanya eyeing it with excitement. I cleared my throat and she looked up.

"Thank you for preparing this to me. Give me the fork fast" she said. Before I could respond, she took the fork and started eating.

"Hey I didn't prepare it for you" I said.

"You prepared it with my ingredients" she said while eating.

"Ingredients? You have none which can be called as ingredients" I pointed.

"If there are none how are you able to prepare this?" she said putting her tongue out. Such a child. I shook my head.

I need to make another bowl now. I huffed and went to the Kitchen. After 7min, I came to the dining room. Tanya already completed hers and sat there browsing something on her phone. I sat on the other chair and started eating.

"I cannot cook" she said.

"What?" I asked.

"I cannot cook. That is the reason why you didn't find any ingredients" she said looking at me.

"Then how did you manage till now?" I asked.

"I either prepare pasta or Maggie or order something from outside" she said shrugging. I thought for some time then an idea popped up.

"Let us do like this. You buy ingredients and I will cook for both of us. I will pay for the gas" I said. She immediately nodded smiling brightly. I smiled at her.

"Deal then. Let us go and buy groceries. I will shower and come" she said standing up.

"Why me?" I asked.

"Of course because 1 – you have to know where everything is and 2 – I don't know any items" she said sheepishly. Ohh god!!! What should I do with this girl?

After she showered, we went to the supermarket near to the apartment. It is just 10min walk from the apartment.

I took Tanya to the Vegetable section first and explained her how to check which is good or bad. After that, I told her about all the other basic items required to cook and how many kilos they can be taken. After that we bought some personal items we require.

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