Chapter 36 - Mishap and new bonds

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Ahana's POV:

Everything happened so fast that no one really got to know how and when it happened. The person whom I regarded as mom irrespective of the hatred she has for me, came after me with a Knife in her hand. Before I even had time to react and stop her or do something else, I was pushed aside. The knife missed its actual target and was aimed at...

"DEV" I shouted shocked. Dev was stabbed!!!!! DEV?!!! DEV got stabbed!!! Dev was stabbed!!! He is dying !!!! No.. NO NO This cant happen. My chest felt like there is a huge weight on it and I couldn't breathe. I didn't realise that I was about to fall down until arms surrounded me.

"Ahana.. " came distant voices. But all I could feel is numbness. Dev... only his name escaped my mouth in my state of shock. There is the feeling of dizziness making me closing my eyes. And there is this feeling in my heart wanting to reach Dev.

"AHANA" came the voice from the owner of the person whose arms surrounded me. But all I could see are the moments I spent with Dev. I got a glimpse of all the moments since the time we met till we got married. Is this the feeling we get before a person dies? Reminiscing the past?!

"AHANA WAKE UP" came the shouts and water was splashed on my face jerking me out of my stanze. I looked up and saw Tanu holding jug in her hands. She threw it on the ground and crouched down to my level.

"Ahana, listen to me. Wake up!!!" she said.

"Dev?!!" I said and looked around and to my shock I found him no where.

"Where is DEV? " I asked and looking around.

"He is taken to hospital. You have to pull yourself together and come" she said. That is all I need to stand up and run to the entrance.

"DEV" I started shouting and running not seeing where am I going.

"AHANA... AHANA WAIT" I heard shouts but they are the least of my worries. Suddenly I was stopped and pulled back.

"What are you doing? Don't stop me. I need my Dev. My Dev needs me" I shouted.

"AHana , the car is here. We can go faster in car than running. Please hold on" said the person and pushed me into the car. I could here many voices around me but nothing is going into my mind. The few minutes to the hospital appeared to be days for me, very suffocating and life less days.

"DEV" I shouted again in panic not finding him on reaching hospital.

"She is getting panic attack. She is very troubled on seeing Dev being stabbed" came a voice.

"AHana .., please ... please calm down" came a voice trying to soothe me. The voice made me sit.

"Ahana... calm down. Dev wants you to calm down" I guess hearing his name itself does magic as the person who is speaking has my full attention. I turned to them and saw that it is Rani.

"AHana... do I have your attention?" she asked slowly. I nodded.

"Good, please calm down for Dev. Take deep breathes" she said slowly again and this time making me do what she said.

"Rani. Dev?" I looked at her controlling my tears.

"He is getting operated" she slowly said. I gasped and my breathes started going wayward.

"Please calm down. Take deep breathe. Calm down for Dev" she said , soothing my hair. I closed my eyes and thought of all the good moments with Dev. Every moment with Dev was very good. They brought smile to my lips and at the same time tears to my eyes thinking of his condition now.

"Everything is going to be fine" Rani said looking at me. Yes, it has to be. Dev and I have so much life ahead. We have just taken a huge step in our life. We have so much to do and a long way to go.

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