Part 9

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Once the food was done, we all ate in silence. Three small fishes won't be enough to keep me fed for long, but I hoped that Allan or Jack will be able to catch something bigger tomorrow. Somehow. Or simply catch more than they had today. I knew that for them three fishes is like eating one biscuit.

Allan was the first one to finish and with loud yawn he stretched his arms around him.

'Damn, I'm beat' he said and Jack nod.

'Yeah, me too. We will sleep on coats since nobody thought about camping on the beach, right?' Jack looked around the crew and got Anna's sneer.

'Yeah, we all went on this trip just for that. Of course nobody thought about that because no one was going to the beach'

Jack glared at her and was about to start the feud, but I managed to interrupt them.

'Jack, how about you bring us the coats and we can finally call it a night?' Jack turned to me and with a sigh stood up. Seconds latter he brought our coats. Two were ones that I found in helicopter and other two, from the sizes, belonged to Jack and Allan.

I felt relieved when Allan gave me his and took Kayle's for himself. After that grotesque death I wasn't comfortable with using Kayle's belongings. And knowing that his body was mere meters away from us made it even more creepier.

We all fixed our "beds" in silence and I instantly laid down. Even though I did nothing really hard, I somehow felt super tired.

Since Allan was twice my size, I was able to cocoon myself in his coat before fire and protect myself from cold wind that picked up. I watched as fire flickered before me, swaying and roaring together with the wind. Soon enough, Jack's snoring joined the sounds of nature and closing my eyes I finally forced myself to sleep.

When I opened my eyes the sun was already high in the sky. The helicopter was conveniently shading the camp from the scorching heat and sun rays.

I sat up and sleepily looked around. Despite laying on hard sand and under open sky, I managed to sleep really well. Two coats were empty and Jack with Allan were nowhere to be seen.

'I hate sleeping like that' Half asleep voice spoke and I turned around. Anna was getting up from her coat and began stretching. 'Damn, my whole body hurts' she grumbled and I stood up as well. She was right, my muscles screamed I pain and I winced.

'Where the boys went?' She asked and looking around I shrugged.

'I just woke up as well. Maybe they went fishing?'

'I hope they catch more than yesterday' She grumbled and went to our bags. After a little bit of shuffling through Jack's bag, she pulled a bag of chips. Sitting down she began eating and motioned for me to join her, so I did.

We ate in silence before ashes that just a few hours ago warmed our sleeping bodies.

'How about we take a dip in that lagoon we found yesterday?' Anna asked suddenly and I glanced at her.

'What if Jack and Allan gets back?'

Anna only sneered.

'They left us so we can leave them too'

'Okay, but I didn't pack my swimsuit' I told her and she gave me whatthefuckiswrongwithyou look and then shook her head.

'Just swim in your undies. I will go in undies too if it makes you feel better' she said and smirked at me. I chuckled.

'Sure, let's go'

She threw the empty bag back into Jack's traveling bag and linking my arm with hers, we began walking towards the lagoon.

After 5 or 10 minutes of walking along the beach, laughing and playing around, we finally reached the lagoon. Taking a small spot with flat rock for our clothes, we began taking them off. When we were only in our undies, we ran into lagoon like children. We walked into the water until it reached our belly.

'Why do you have such a nice chest and I'm stuck with these apples?' Anna asked and weighted her breasts in her palms with a pout. Her question and face expression made me laugh.

'Because you have a nice butt while I'm stuck with flat one' I answered and hit the water so that it would splash on her. She let out a girly giggle and we began splashing each other. After a while we stopped, both of us out of breath.

'I'm going to sit and catch my breath' Anna said and began walk-swimming towards our flat rock. I, on the other hand, began floating on my back and looked at the sky. White puffy clouds rolled in snail pace and I began creating images out of them. I saw a knight, a dog, even a dragon. But soon it became boring and my stomach began growling. It seemed that chips were not enough for me.

'Anna, maybe we should go... back...' I said and looked at the flat stone, but she wasn't there. I felt my stomach squeeze itself.

'Anna?' I looked around, but saw only trees swaying a little.

'Anna?!' I shouted as panic seeped through me. I began swimming towards our spot and when the water became shallow, I ran.

And then froze.

The same feeling as if someone was watching me hit my guts and I stumbled back, deeper into the water. I frantically looked around, hoping to see at least a glimpse of the one who was watching and who, most likely, took Anna. I knew she was taken because I could see her clothes next to mine and she definitely wouldn't go into a forest to take a dump or something almost naked.

My guts told me to stay in the water while my mind screamed to run back to our camp and tell Jack and Allan. With their help we might find her before anything could happen to her.

I began nibbling my lower lip, unsure of what to do. My eyes darted between the beach and the water before me.

My mind won.

Quickly darting to our clothes, I pushed my shirt down and scooped the rest of them. I had no time to put my jeans on and my shirt was two sizes bigger than I usually wear, so I knew that my butt was covered.

I practically flew down the beach, but didn't go far. Before I could even leave the lagoon and run to the main beach, I was grabbed.

Strong arms snaked in super speed over my torso while the other one shut over my mouth. Jolting panic seeped through me and I instantly began trashing around. Whoever was holding me wasn't fazed at all as I was lifted up so that my feet couldn't touch the ground and I was swallowed by the forest.

With one hit to the back of my head I was knocked out.

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