Cafe [E]

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warnings: none just Ethan being a little flirt.

9:15 am ~ Saturday

Winter is the best season. I love it because it gets cold and honestly I love the cold. Just being able to wear hoodies and fluffy socks again makes me excited. I've got too many fluffy socks.

I grab a grey hoodie and some leggings. I brush out my hair and brushed my teeth. After my usual routine I grabbed my backpack and lock up the place.

I went to my nearest Cafe. I'm meeting up with my boyfriend, Justin. I opened the door letting the warmth of the cafe hit me and the smell of coffee and muffins. I immediately saw Justin and smiled at him.

"Hey, babe." He said kissing my cheek.

"Hey, so my mom just got me some baking books so maybe we can bake a cake or some cupcakes and it goes great with this season," I reach for my backpack to grab my wallet.

"Hello, what can I get you?" The waiter asked with a smile.

"I'll have a hot coco." (You go Glen Coco) She nodded, writing it down.

"Will that be all?" She asked

"Yes, thank you." Justin speaks up making me jerk my head back. She left with a quick smile and I turned to him.

"Listen, Y/n the reason I asked you to meet up with me was because... I don't know how to tell you this," he looked down and bit his bottom lip.

My heart was beating fast. I knew what he was gonna say to me and I didn't want to let him see right through me.

"Honestly Justin... I have something to say. This isn't really working." I smile weakly and he looks up at me.

"Really?!" He exclaimed. Wow, can he be at least a little hurt?

"Yeah, I think we should break up. This isn't really working out for me and I've been wanting to tell you," I lied and tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear.

"I thought you were gonna take it the wrong way." He said smiling. "Can we be friends? I mean at least to keep in touch."

"S-Sure." Why in the fuck would I say sure? This is not the move and i'm about to dip.

"I'm glad this worked out just fine. I'll see you around, okay?" He said getting up.

"O-Oh okay. Bye," I said waving as he left. A tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. Another rolled down and then another and tears just rolled down freely.

"Okay, one hot coco." The waiter came back, setting down the black mug. The smell of coco made me feel a little better. Okay, not really, but at least the taste of it will keep things off my mind.

"Are you okay?" I looked up to lock eyes with a guy. A really cute guy, with beautiful hazel eyes.

"Uhh," I wiped my tears with my sleeves and chuckle. "Just tears of joy." I smiled and sniffled. "What happened to the girl?" I asked.

"Oh her shift was over so I told her to go and I can handle this." He gestured around, smiling.

His smile is contagious. I looked down and licked my lips. "So, what happened?" He asked.

"Long story," I said taking a sip of the hot coco. The hot liquid kinda burned the tip of my tongue.

"I got all day," he said taking the seat in front of me.

"Well, what about your manager isn't she or he gonna be pissed?" I asked setting the mug down

"I am the manager." He said smiling

I looked at him and laughed like if he was joking. "It's true," he chuckled. I stopped my laugh and looked at him.

"Oh, oh my god you're serious?" I said looking at him straight in the eye.

"Yes, I am and plus my brother and I are managers but he's off today. If he was here he would tell me to get off my ass." We both laughed this time.

"You know you got a cute smile?" He says making me stop and furrow my brows.

"Thank you," my cheeks turned red and I think he noticed because he just smiled and looked down.

"So?" He asks.

"I just broke up with my boyfriend, but he was gonna do it until I stopped him and broke up with him first." I sigh and shake my head.

"I didn't want to seem like he broke me first. So, I went ahead and acted like I didn't want to be with him anymore." I add, playing with the handle of the mug.

"I'm so sorry about that." He dipped his head to try and look me in the eyes. "I'm pretty sure he was dating some other girl, but don't even think much about it. You can do so much better in my opinion." He smirks.

I just chuckle nervously and blush even more. What a way to move on. "I'm so sorry." He said once again. "You just broke up with someone I shouldn't be coming at you like that."

"It's fine. I just hate to go through this again. I mean Justin is such player, literally."

"What does he play?" He asks.

"Lacrosse, along with his other jock friends." I grab my mug of hot coco again and take a long sip.

"Well, high school is only gonna get worse. Depending what grade you're in. I'm glad to be done with it." He sighs and smiles wide.

"I'm a senior. I'm almost done, but last minute things just gotta happen." I shake my head.

"Look at it as a good thing. If you're going to college now you don't have a burden," he shrugs his shoulders.

"That is true. Maybe i'll have some time to actually study for tests and quizzes this year." I smile and glance at him. "What's your name?"

"Ethan. You?" He asks.


"Can I give you my number, Y/n? Or would that be too soon?" He smirks again and god how that starts up butterflies. "Just to have someone to talk to when things aren't so good."

"I'd love that."

He gets up and leaves and comes back after a minute with a napkin. His number is written on it. "Enjoy your coco. I have a new employee to keep training." He winks at me and leaves.


flirty Ethan is always the best.

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