His Light [G]

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She's his light. He watches her from afar. He keeps her away from harm or at least tries to. He guides her in the darkness and in the light he admires her. He wasn't supposed to fall for her.

He's not one to fall in love, but when it came to you it's like his whole World all of sudden became you. His purpose is to protect and serve you. He's your protector, he's your mentor, he's your guardian angel.

"Why are you so creepy?" Ethan, his older brother landed at the edge of the Wells Fargo building. His wings tucked back in.

"It's not creepy to keep a look out," he replied as he kept an eye on you. Currently you're at your local Starbucks. You sat by a big window that gave Grayson a perfect view of you.

"She's doing homework, Grayson. Oh no, let's hope she doesn't stab herself with her mechanical pencil," Ethan snickered and kneeled down. "You're seriously crushing, Gray and it's not even funny. You know what father thinks about intimate relationships with humans,"

"We're not intimate... not yet,"

"Seriously Grayson, stay away. The last thing we need is you trying to communicate with her," he should of thought of that before mentioning it to Grayson.

He didn't think it through. What was he supposed to say once he appeared on her balcony one night? Plus, he didn't even try to hide the fact that he's an angel.

He just landed on her balcony, wings wide open and peeking threw her curtains. You were getting ready for a wedding. Of course Grayson knew that. You were in the middle of putting on your earrings when you saw a figure behind the curtains from your vanity mirror. You gasped and quickly turned around. You turned to your bed to grab your phone, but the second you looked back whoever was there was gone.

He hesitated then. He tried showing up on her a few times, but he never got to the meeting part. He was afraid what'd she'd say or do. Might scream her lungs out.

One night he came into her bedroom while she was asleep. He left a ring with a moon stone on it. He left it on her nightstand. He caressed her cheek and smiled at the way you hummed at his action.

The moment you fluttered your eyes open He was gone. You sat up realizing your balcony doors are open as the wind blew your curtains.

You rubbed your eyes and got up to get a drink of water. Grayson sighed softly as he stood at the top of an apartment complex across from yours and of course he stood where he can see your balcony.

"She's beautiful," a low chuckle came from behind Grayson by the air vents. The figure came into the moonlight. "Y/n, was it?"

"Go away, Jack," Grayson responded with a roll of his eyes. He didn't have to see who it was just the tone in his voice.

"Now that I'm looking... she seems a bit too nice," Jack smirks and watches as you leave the room once you found your slides.

"Then stop looking," he responded harshly.

"Gee, didn't think you'd be the jealous type. Besides you can't even have her... isn't it like a rule up there or some shit," Jack sighed and sat down at the edge and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter.

"Don't even think about it, Jack,"

"I've been thinking about her, Gray. Hell, Lucy even got the gossip down there. Saying around that Gods child has fallen hard for a beauty," Jack chuckled lowly. "So, as my job to take the souls of the pure I'm gonna go ahead and do that-"

Grayson finally turned to Jack. "You're gonna do what?" He asked.

"Sorry, Gray, but Y/n is gonna die. It helps summon some demon that Lucy assigned us, and by us I mean Aaron and Sammy. She's perfect," Grayson furrowed his brows and opened his wings.

Jack flinched at the sudden action and almost fell off the roof. "You get close to her and just watch,"

He jumped off the roof and took Jack with him, throwing him in a plaza where he landed on bushes. "All you damn angels with your stupid wings," Jack huffed as he crawled out of the bushes and stood up. A few people walking by stared as he dusted off his suit. "What are you looking at?"

Y/n can't stop thinking about what she saw in her balcony. She told her best friend Alvin who thought that whatever 'figure' she saw was probably a shadow. "Come on, Y/n you gotta lay off the alcohol. Just because you're twenty-one doesn't mean you can party all the time-"

"Alvin! I don't drink! Are you sure you're not drinking? Plus, you're the one who was pre-gaming in my kitchen. You're my best friend since middle school and since then I never drank at those stupid parties you took me to," you slammed your hands on the table.

He's a bit tipsy from the night before."Look, Y/n, honey, I don't know what you expect me to say. I wasn't there you were-"

"Why did I even tell you," you sighed and picked up your phone and headed to your room. Alvin yawned and dropped his head on the table.

You must be going crazy. You grabbed your towel and took it to the bathroom. You took a long shower and after you got out there was a message from Alvin. He'd gone home.

You change into some high waisted jeans and a long sleeve crop top. As you blow dried your hair you heard a knock. With a sigh you turned off the blow dryer and headed for the front door. "Flowers for Ms. Venezuela-" tall, dark, a bit muscular, and his eyes are so lustful making you wince mentally. He made your heart beat fast. "Oh, my bad. This isn't-" the handsome man looked at your door number then back at you. "B 47."

"It's okay. Umm... Venezuela is down there to the left," you pointed down the hall.

He glanced and then back at you. "Weird, didn't think beautiful girls lived in this complex. I've been seeing old people," he chuckled. He couldn't keep his eyes off of you.

This made you blush. "T-Thank you?"

"Yeah, no problem. Hope to see you again. I'm Jack by the way," he winked as he waved at you. You closed the door letting out a sigh. You thought you were gonna faint.

Of course Jack meant what he said. He'd hope to see her around and he did. He spotted you at Starbucks where he found out from Sam and Aaron.

His background story is him working at a flower shop and he delivers them. Lives by himself, has a cat and of course his buddy Sam and Aaron had to get that ready for him.

"Let me take you out," you chuckled and shook your head at his request.

"What? W-Why?" You furrowed your brows. It was weird to you that someone like Jack would fall for you. He was a bit cocky, but the good kind. "I don't-"

"Let me take you out. I wanna get to know you, baby," the nickname was unintentional. It just fell out of his mouth. "Let me,"

You bit your bottom lip and stared at the table and then back up at him. "Alright," you spoke softly. "But... the minute things get heated it's done," he raised an eyebrow at your demanding. Usually Jack did that. This gives him a chance to unravel you.

"You got it,"

Grayson that night watched Jacks' every move. Even Jack knew he was watching. So, to get Grayson riled up Jack kissed her cheek when he opened the car door for her. She responded with a smile.

Jack glanced up at the building Grayson stood at. His wings tucked in, hiding in the shadows. "Got her now," Jack smirked and walked around the car.


Soo... pt. 2 ?

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