Type of Drunk [Preference]

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• Emotional
• Hyper
• He starts to cry for no reason.
• "Poor fly. It just wanted to fly and it ran into the window," he teared up.
• "Ethan, it's okay he's in a better place now," I said making a turn to my house.
• He turns on the radio and Gucci Gang by Lil Pimp starts to play.
• He goes all crazy and raps along.
• You sigh and park the car.
• "Oh no, Y/n. Lil Pimp is gone." He cried.
• "No, Ethan, that's Lil Peep." I said
• He oohed and got out the car. I got out as well and went to his side to help him.
• "Wait! He's gone! Y/n, Lil Peep is gone. No!" He cried.
• "Ethan, it's okay. He's resting. He's never felt better,"
• "He's up there, rapping to the Gods," he said gesturing.
• He trips a lot and laughs.
• Lets go of your hand and runs to the door.
• Bumps into it and falls back.
• "Stupid door! It got in my way!"
• Cries on the floor.
• "Come on Ethan,"
• "Y/n, I love you so much. You mean the world to me,"
• "I love you too, Ethan come on get up."
• Just cries as you help him get through the door.



• Horny
• "I'm sorry to break it to you,"
• "Grayson, quite playing and get in the car,"
• "I. have. a girlfriend. I am not getting into that car with you. That's called cheating if I do,"
• "Grayson, get in the car. We have to get home before my parents do,"
• "You're sneaking me in? Whoa! Y/n, I don't know if my girlfriend would approve of this,"
• "Grayson, I am your girlfriend."
• Smirks
• "Well damn, I'm a lucky son of a bitch."
• "Hey, Y/n,"
• Stares at you as you drive.
• "Y/n, I'm kinda....you know. My MEAT! Is hurting and I need it to stop. Do you wanna put those lushes lips on this and make it go away?" He gestured down to his crotch.
• "You're drunk,"
• "I'm horny!"

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