Giving Up [E] Pt. 2

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Ya'll are too much XD. She never got her candy back :( aww man.

It's been a week since I told Ethan I loved him. Do I regret it? No, not one bit. He needed to know the truth.

"Babygirl, dinner is ready,"

"Okay, I'll be down in a bit dad,"


I sighed and closed my magazine. My hand was getting better, but coach benched me from our game last Thursday.

I checked my phone and it was 8:20 pm. I had a bunch of homework and I haven't even started.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen. I kissed my mom on the cheek and she smiled.

"Go to the dinner table, i'll bring the food out,"

I smiled and walked out to the dinner table.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I mumbled

"We invited Ethan, he was out on a stroll and he happened to be passing by,"

"Happened to," I mumbled rolling my eyes

I went and sat across from him. He wouldn't stop looking at me. My mom came out with the food and she placed a plate in front of everyone.

I started eating and Ethan did the same. He was eating like he hasn't been in so long.

"Y/n, is your hand getting better,"

"A little,"

"Her coach benched her last Thursday from her game," My mom said cutting the chicken.

"What? Why didn't you tell me?" My dad asked

"I didn't think it was a big deal,"

"Whoever did that to your hand, is a big deal Y/n,"

"Nobody did nothing to my hand dad. I did it, on accident,"

"How can you slam your own locker on your hand?" My mom asked looking at my dad

"Guys, please let's just talk about something else," I said annoyed

"Ethan, how are you doing?" My dad asked

"Okay, I guess,"

"How's your love life,"

"Horrible," I whispered. I guess Ethan heard because he glanced at me and then back at my dad.

"It's going great,"

"What's her name,"

"Melanie Carter, she lives four blocks away," I said

"Oh you know her?" My mom asked

"Yeah, shes in my history class, but she talks shit about people,"

"Oh, we have a chusma," My mom said laughing

"Well the sound of that, I don't like your girl Ethan, I'm sorry," My dad said chuckling

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