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Lexi's p.o.v

It's finally my first day in a new life in Nashville. I wake up to my phone buzzing on my nightstand. I look at the notifications and see things like...

"Cosmopolitan News- Is Model ,LEXI ALDERIDGE, really in the Bahamas. Her family's private plane was spotted going south of New York. Looks like this girl has something to hide. Don't worry Lexi, you can't hide for long.

Twitter- @teenvogue Hey babe, Happy to see you going to the Bahamas! Let us know if you want some beach shots. We got recruits there wondering.

Snapchat Discover- Look who's hiding from something. The Alderidge family was spotted at a Tennessee airport. It has been said that they are going to the Bahamas. Funny how they plan a vacation after Lexi Alderidges' Lingerie flaunt on her mother's runway during New York Fashion Week. Lexi, if you are reading this, just know that there are eyes everywhere.

I do regret what I did back in New York but I was tired of being a puppet for agencies. Modeling isn't as glam as it sounds. I don't want to go back.

I am here in Nashville, Tennessee to get a fresh start. Later today, I'm going to the store to get hair dye. It will help cover my appearance. And also my mom has hired someone to pierce my nose. What I'm doing goes against all of the rules my mom has taught me to become a perfect model.

I decide to get out of bed and go downstairs to get some breakfast. The house that my family moved into is very different from our apartment on the Upper East Side. It's a lot smaller but I like it. As I walk into the kitchen, I see my older sister, Vale, eating toast.

"Hey Lexi, have you seen the blast on Snapchat and Cosmopolitan? There's a lot more other networks but those are the newest."

"Vale I have and I hate what you and our parents are putting me through!"

"Well sis you did start all of this. What you did was very disrespectful to mom's company. Now thanks to you, the media is out to get this family!"

"I KNOW! GOD! I'M AM SORRY!!" I yelled at Vale.

I never yelled at her before. Me and her are like best friends. She always has my back ,but now she doesn't and it hurts.

"Okay Lexi, I know you are stressed, but don't yell at me. I love you. You are my sister. And I know we are putting all this shit on you but that's because you started all of this. Just know that we are going to get through it. As a family."

After she said that, she hugged me and offered me some of her toast. It's funny how she can make me feel better after something bad happens. I love my sister.

After I eat my breakfast, I ask Vale if she can drive me to the store to get my hair dye. I have naturally dark brown hair so I'm getting a light brown color. I think the color will look good with my light brown eyes.

When we get to the store, we kind of have disguises. We're wearing sunglasses and pink and blue hair extensions. We want to look very different so the press won't report that we are living or staying in this city. Vale wanted to go to the makeup Isle so I stayed in the hair dye section. I find a good box and as I back up to compare it to another box, I bump into someone.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry."

I stepped on his foot and made him almost drop his phone.

"Oh it's fine. So who is this beautiful girl under those shades?" He said so cutely

I recognize that voice anywhere! It's Shawn Mendes. I went to the Teen Choice Awards to help promote my mom's clothing line with Vale and I ran into him during commercial break. We talked and introduced ourselves and I haven't talked to him since.

"My name's Lexi"

"Hey you look a little familiar, may I?" He said asking to take off my shades

As soon as he did, his face had a shocked expression.

"Wow we have met and you're that model everyone is talking about!"

"Shhh. People don't know I am living in this city and I need to keep it that way so please don't say anything."

"I won't. I know what it's like to have media attention on you and having to hide where you live or where you are at."

"Well thanks." I said with a smile

"Hey if you ever want to talk or get some food, just call or text me. My number is 703-349-8801"

"Sure" I gave him my phone to put the number in and he gave me his.

I was surprised how open he was about his phone number. I guess he knows that I won't leak it because I know how it would feel if my number was. I love how I met someone that actually gets it!

"So I'll text you later Lex"

"Ok Shawn"

He walked away. I saw that he had a dark brown hair dye box in his hand. What's that about😂 I finally found the shade of brown I wanted and Vale came back with mascara, lipstick, and an eyeshadow pallete.

"Spending mommy's money huh?"

"You know it sis"

We make that joke a lot. I don't know, we just find it funny.

Once we get to the register, Vale hands the lady the money. Vale has a credit card but until all of this mess blows over, we can't use them in public settings like this.

"I like this color, great choice!" the lady says

"Thank you, I like it too!" Vale said with a british accent. Damn she's clever.

The lady scanned everything and gave us the total and then we payed and left. When we got in the car, I said

" I had no idea you had a good fake british accent!"

"Yes I do! Most of the girls I met at casting calls and photoshoots had british accents so I kind of picked it up!"


As we're in the car driving back to the house, I see that Shawn texted me.

Shawn- Hey and don't worry. I won't tell.

Me- Hey and I know.

Shawn- ok cool

I talked to him the rest of the day. Even when my mom was dying my hair. He is so sweet!

Author's Note: I know this was a long chapter but I want ya'll to see how Lexi's life is and her relationship with her sister.

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