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Lexi's p.o.v

I wake up to see that Shawn isn't next to me. Memories of last night start flooding back. I can't believe we did that.

I need to go downstairs. I have to get dressed. My shirt from last night is next to the bed so I put it on. I need to find my underwear. As soon as I stand up, I fall to the ground. God I'm so sore. I keep looking around for my underwear. I can't find it. Well I guess I'm going commando.

I crawl out of my room to the stairwell. When I get to the stairs, I grab onto the railing for support as I walk downstairs. Vale never told me how bad it'll hurt afterwards.

When I get to the kitchen. I keep whispering "ow" with every step.

"Why are you walking like a penguin and saying ow" he says.

"Oh you know why" and he just laughs.

For breakfast, we eat strawberries and pineapple.

"I had this right before you came over!"

"That explains why you tasted good"

"Oh god" I say blushing and laughing.

We eat our fruit and when we're done, Shawn puts our plates away and he carries me to the couch.

He sits down next to me and holds my hand.

"Listen, last night was amazing. The best night of my life" he says looking deep into my eyes.

"I feel the same" I say while smiling.

He cuddles next to me and we watch tv. I missed this. I missed him holding me. I missed his smile, his eyes, his lips, just everything.

We watch tv for 2 hours before he gets up.

"Ok I have to go. Cameron needs me to help him film a video"

"Um ok."

I stand up and he walks over to me and kisses me passionately.

"Bye I love you" I say. He turns around, smiles and says that he loves me.

With that, he walks out the door, gets in his car, and leaves. There it is again. I'm empty. I need him.

I decide to call Vale. She picks up!

"Hey sis! How's it going in Nashville!" She says

"Great actually! Are you busy?"

"No, I don't have another casting call for 3 days. I needed a break. I've gone to 7 already!"

"Great! I need you back here. Only you."

"Um ok. I be there soon"

And with that, our call ends.

What do I do now? I decide to go upstairs and clean my sheets. I put them in the washer. In 40 minutes they are done. Then I put them in the dryer. Eventually they're done and I go upstairs to put them on my bed. After that, I realize I'm in the same clothes from this morning. I have to change!

I change into a VS pink sweatshirt and black leggings.

After that, I hear a knock at the door. When I open it, I see Vale!

"Hey girl!" She says.

"Hey! Go upstairs, get unpacked quick. I have to talk to you!"


Finally she's done and I go to her room and sit down on the bed with her.

"Ok so what's the big news sis?"


"Tell meeee"

"Me and Shawn had sex" I blurt out

"What wow!"

Virgin // Shawn Mendes [Wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now