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Lexi's p.o.v
"Rise and shine sleepy head! Get dressed, we're going shopping!" Vale says running into my room waking me up.

"Ugh I don't want to go shopping"

"Trust me, you do. Get up. I have an outfit laid out for you. Also I need to talk to you." I decide to get out of bed. I take off my t-shirt and shorts. I'm only in my bra and underwear.

"I know all this stuff with Shawn has been hard but.... are those hickies on your stomach and cleavage?" Shit! I thought they would've went away by now.

"Uh I can expla.."

"Tell me what you and Shawn did. Those still look fresh." Oh god. Not the sex talk again. The first one was so awkward. I don't even want to remember him anymore.

Vale stands up from my bed, grabs my arm, and pulls me to the bed to sit down.

"Tell me"

"Ok fine! It was the night before I left"

"That's when you said he broke up with you!" He whispers/yells.

"Shh keep it down mom is in the other room!" I say putting my finger over her mouth. She responds to my action by quickly pulling my arm away from her.

"She's not. She left for work hours ago. What has gotten into you Lex?" I shrug my shoulders.

"I've heard of make up sex, but not break up sex." She jokes.

"Well now you have" I scoff

"Why did you do it?"

"Vale. We did it because he wanted to. I loved him. I still love him! What we did was love. You wouldn't know because you haven't experienced it in so long." I scoff.

"He hurt you more by doing that! You were stupid to do that! And I'm sorry that I haven't found anyone else that I love besides James. I'm not just gonna have sex with someone for the hell of it! I want love. It's not easy to find it like it was for you! You know what, cancel our plans. You stay in bed. I don't want to see you." She walks out the door. I go back to my bed, get under the covers, and try to go back to sleep.

I can't do this! I need some music. I put my phone on pandora radio. Instantly, I regret it.

Mercy is playing.

"I'd drive through the night
Just to be near you, baby."

Ha! I wish.

I close the app and turn my phone off. It's like I can never forget him. As much as I want to, I can't. I can't stay in this room, I need to talk to Vale.

I get up and put my night clothes back on, and go look for Vale. She's in her room laying on her bed.

"I'm very sorry Vale. You just wanted to be a good sister and talk what happened with Shawn out. I'm sorry I blew up at you."

"It's fine. I guess I should stop asking you about your sex-scapades anyways. That's personal."

"It's alright."

"I just wish I could have what you had with Shawn. I haven't felt love in so long."

"What about Cole Sprouse? Aren't y'all dating?"

"No, we were only friends. He had to go to back to Vancouver to film 'Riverdale'."

"Oh. Well you'll find someone. You're Vale freaking Alderidge!"

"Haha. How about we just have a girls day. Watch Clueless and other classics while we binge?"

"Sounds just like what the doctor ordered!"

We get up, Vale goes to grab the dvds while I pick out the snacks. We come back to my room, close the curtains and start watching the movie.

I missed these times with my sister. It's very much needed.

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