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Lexi's p.o.v

It's been the worst week of my life. I've been throwing up every morning after I wake up, I have horrible cramps and terrible headaches.

Vale thinks I have the flu. She's been playing nurse for me during all of this. I must have picked something up from a restaurant.

I'm watching tv in the living room as Vale sits down next to me.

"So are you feeling any better?"

"A little"

"Ok well I'm going down stairs to the lobby. I asked the man at the desk to get something for me."

"Ok" she walks to the elevator, presses a button, and leaves.

Vale's p.o.v

I get to lobby and meet the worker at the desk. He pulls out the bag that was under his desk. I look inside it to make sure everything is in it.

"Thank you so much. I'm sorry to be such a bother. Just Lexi really needs this."

"It's not problem Ms. Alderidge." I walk back to the elevator and go up to our floor.

I walk in and I don't see Lexi anywhere. I go to her room and see her laying down on her bed on her phone. She hears me walk in and sits up.

"What's in the bag?" She says. Hopefully this will work. It would definitely be a relief.

"Things" I don't know what to say to her.

"Ugh just tell me!" she yells

"First off don't yell. And I'm concerned for your health right now so I got these things to answer the questions on why you're not getting better."

"I have the flu Vale. I'm going to get better. Just tell me what's in the bag."

Oh god.

"Pregnancy tests"

Lexi's p.o.v

There is no way. I can't be.

"Real funny Vale. I'm not pregnant." I say laughing. She's obviously joking.

"You have morning sickness, you're always sleepy, you have terrible stomach cramps, headaches, and apparently mood swings."

"There is no way I'm pregnant"

"Ok I'm going to ask some really personal questions. Answer them honestly." I trust her. I would never lie to her.

"Um ok"

"Is your period late?"


"Did he use a condom the last time y'all had sex"


"When did you get to New York?"

"4 weeks ago"

"You have all the signs. I got the man at the front desk to buy these pregnancy tests. They're all from different brands. Go into the bathroom, use them, then show me the results."

She gives me the bag, and I walk to my bathroom. Right before I open the door, I take a deep breath. I'm not pregnant.

I open the boxes, grab the first one and use it.


I grab the second one and use it.


I grab the third one and use it. Please let the others be wrong.


I pull up my pajama pants, flush the toilet and walk over to the mirror. I line all the tests up and just stare at them. I open the door and Vale sitting on my bed. She immediately looks up at me.

"I'm pregnant" I whisper. She walks up to me and engulfs me in a hug. All I can do is cry.

"Shh. Everything is going to be alright." She says hugging me, rubbing my back. Her voice is so shaking. We're both scared.

After crying together for what feels like hours, we get up and finally talk about what the next step is.

"You have to call Shawn"

"I-I can't."

"He's the father! You need to!"

"He doesn't need this right now. I don't need this right now. We all don't need this. We're teenagers. I can't be a teen mom"

"I understand that, but y'all need to talk. He needs to have some type of say in this."

I don't want to tell him. I don't know how. He doesn't need the burden of a child on him.

"I just want to go to sleep and forget about all of this. Apparently since I'm pregnant, I'm always tired. Goodnight"

She just nods, walks out of my room and closes the door. I don't need this. Right before I hit the pillow, I fall asleep.

Vale's p.o.v

Lexi's been asleep for 20 minutes, I tip toe to her room, grab her phone, then tip toe right back out. I run to the living room and sit on the couch.

I scroll on her phone and look for Shawn's contact. When I find it, I press call.

"Hello?" Wow I haven't heard his voice in so long.

"Hey Shawn it's Vale, Lexi's older sister. I know you're about to leave for tour in a few days, but I need you in New York as soon as possible. There's been an emergency with Lexi. I'll text you our apartment and floor. Come as soon as you can.

"I'll be on the next flight out. See you and her soon."

With that, we hang up. Lexi might hate me but it's the right thing to do.

Virgin // Shawn Mendes [Wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now