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Hey Babes! I'm back!

I just wanted to say that I've written a new book! It's called "Best Man". I hope you like it or want to read it. The description is right here. (I'm saving you time😉)

A best man is someone who has stuck by you through everything. They've been there for you so long that they're basically your brother. But not all best men are open to tell secrets of the past, especially when it involves the bride.

"I was in love with my fiancé. Until I met his Best Man."

"Then fell in love... again."

So that's that. I can't wait to write more of it! If you like stories that get you in the feels, read that one! I'll be updating on it twice a week and don't worry, I'll still be updating on Secret Daughter.

btw THANK YOU FOR 4.6 K READS!!! IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME! I love knowing that people love this book, it makes me so very happy! I never thought anyone would read this book, let alone want to. I never knew where I wanted this book to go and how I wanted it to end, I thought it was just going to be a love story book and they get married and have kids in the end. As I wrote it, I wanted the more unexpected and jaw dropping chapters in it. I wanted this book to be amazing and I'm very pleased with it! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I love you guys so much!!! Thank you


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