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Vale's p.o.v

"But I have one question Vale"


"When did you lose your virginity?"

I know what's going on. My little sister is getting feelings for Shawnnnnn! Damn even in my mind I'm lit.

"So you really want to know sis?" I say smirking and sort of embarrassed

"Yeah Vale"

I'm not going to lie to her. I know she's a virgin and I don't want to screw up my sisterly advice with her. I'm about to tell her something not even our parents know.

"So you remember my 2nd boyfriend, James, right?"


"It was with him"

"OMG REALLY! I knew it!!!"

"What how?"

"It was kind of obvious ya'll were having sex. Ya'll were close and serious."

"Wow and we were. I loved him a lot."

Lexi's p.o.v

James was a boy that Vale met backstage of a photoshoot. She modeled with him for this perfume company when she was 15. They had some cute pictures together.

"So tell me more!! When did it happen and how."

"Damn you are curious Lex, but I'll tell you."


"So remember when you modeled the kid's line for Forever21 and you needed to go to their headquarters?"

"Yeah! That's when I really broke out of my shell as a model."

"Well since our parents and you were gone and I wasn't needed, I stayed home and invited James over."

"OMG tell me more!"

"Well we had sex that night and it was truly amazing. I didn't want it to end."

"Did it hurt? How did you know you were ready?"

"Uh yeah. It hurt like hell, but the pain went away. And you just know Lex. Of course he'll be ready because he's a guy but you'll will need to know if you're ready."

"Ok thank you so much sis."

"No problem but you know that you can come to me with anything."

"I know I can"

"And Lex, if Shawn is the one and you decide that you want to do it, tell me because I got advice okay."

"Ok I will just don't judge"

"No way in hell I would judge you for it. If you love him, that's all that matters."

"Ok well I'm gonna go to my room, Goodnight"


I'm not really going to bed. I'm gonna text Shawn and see if he made it home.

Lexi: Hey babe are you home?

Shawn: Just got here. Wanna keep talking?

Lexi: good and sure. What about?

Shawn: Tell me about your sister. She seems interesting.

Lexi: K

I told him about Vale but I didn't tell him the convo I just had with her. He seemed to like her but not like that. He thought she was cool.

Shawn: I got a question


Shawn: Did you ever used to watch my vines? Like before me and you started talking?

Lexi: Yeah. I came across them a while back. You're very talented!

Shawn: Did you like them? And thank you!

Lexi: Of course I did! You're welcome!

Shawn: Thanks. I need to get some sleep.

Lexi: ok goodnight babe

Shawn: Goodnight babygirl

OMG! I have never been called babygirl before. I am 100% pure. Shawn was my first kiss. I never had feelings like I had when I kiss him. We just connect and have that spark. I love it!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know it's short but there will be more to come.


Virgin // Shawn Mendes [Wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now