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Lexi's p.o.v

I run downstairs to answer the door. When I open the door, I see the person that I don't want to see. Shawn.

"What are you doing here?" I can tell he's hurt. He's been crying.

"I'm here to talk to you."

"Shawn don't make this harder."

"Make what harder? That I don't want to let you go? I love you! I know that I haven't known you real long but we're soulmates. I want to be with you!" He yells. I hurt him. But I don't ever want to get hurt.

"Shawn. I can't. My life is so crazy. I don't want you mixed in all the rumors. You deserve better than me."

"But I don't want someone better than you." He says quietly. Almost like a whisper.

"You'll find the perfect girl one day. I'm sorry that I won't be that girl."

"But Lex."

"Goodbye Shawn"

I close the door and walk back upstairs. To Vale's room. I'm crying so much. Why did I get like this? How could I!

"Sis. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." She says while I'm laying my head in her lap while we're sitting on her bed.

"No. It's not about you and Cameron anymore. This made me see that I can't have Shawn in my crazy life. Our life is too crazy to fit guys in it. It's all for the best. The easy part is over. The hard part is falling out of love with him."

"Yes I know sis. But you'll get through it. I had to."

"You did?"

"Yeah with James. I was in love with him. But the crazy world that we were in split us apart. It was for the best."

"It always is. Can I sleep in your room Vale?"

"Of course. I was just getting ready to sleep. Want to watch a movie?"

"Sure, lets watch a funny one. What about Pixels or Grown Ups 2?"

"Adam Sandler movies are the best." She says as she grabs the remote while I slip under the covers and get comfortable.

We decide to watch Pixels. That movie makes me laugh every time. I need to be happy. I need a distraction.

Virgin // Shawn Mendes [Wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now