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Lexi's p.o.v

Shawn looks so happy. I'm so happy. He's actually packed to stay the night at my house! That's a first. Speaking of firsts, should I tell him that he took my virginity? I think that would put pressure on the relationship.

Shit! I just remembered what I said earlier. I told Cam that Shawn was the only guy I've ever been with. I guess he knows.

We pull up to my house and get out. Shawn gets his bag and we walk towards the door. When we get inside, he goes to my room to sit his bag down. Meanwhile, I'm eating a pineapple because I need to be healthy.

He comes back downstairs and he looks at what I'm eating and smirks. I think I know what he's thinking. He takes some of my pineapple and eats it too.

"Hey!" I say responding to his actions. He looks at me and laughs. I continue eating my pineapple and he does the same.

After, we decide to sit on the couch and talk.

"So..." I say

"Soooo" he says. Well this is awkward.

"I'm just going to get straight to the point. Last time I was here, we did it and it was amazing, but why didn't you tell me you were a virgin? I would have made it more special." He says.

"Shawn, I never got around to it. And the first time was special! I loved it!"

"I just wish I would've known. I probably wouldn't have done oral."

"Stop overthinking. I'm happy you did." I say laughing at the last part and he laughs too.

"Wanna do it again?" He says.


*Play the song now*

Sexual content below⤵️

With that, he carries me up bridal style. Me and him are giggling like little kids. It's hilarious. When we reach my room, he kicks the door closed and places me on the bed. He kisses me passionately and we start removing our clothes. Damn he has a fine body.

He looks at me with lust in his eyes. I return the same look. He starts kissing me from my lips, to my neck, boobs, stomach, then clit.

I instantly moan when I feel his tongue enter me.

"Fuck" I moan as I grab his hair. He stops and puts my legs over his shoulders. He's going at it. I can't control my moans. It's basically impossible for me.

I cum after 5 minutes and he still continues. He does this 10 more minutes. I love how we take our time. It's more memorable. I crave everything.

I crave all of him.

He stops and waits. He's naked too. I remember what Vale told me a few days ago. He pleases me. I want to please him.

I grab his arms, pulling him up. He looks confused. We switch places, he's laying down and I'm near his dick.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to. I get my pleasure just by hearing you moan from me."

"Shawn I want to do this. I want to feel the same way as you." Right after I say that, I suck his dick.

He moans and groans. God he sounds so perfect. He pushes my head down making me choke. But I don't make the sound.

I start to bob my head, hopefully making it easier and it does. He can't contain himself.

"Baby I'm gonna cum fuck" right after he says that, I feel a warm liquid in my throat. I get up and lay beside him.

He kisses me. He puts his tongue in, deepening the kiss. We exchange what eachother taste like. Weird? I know. He eventually pulls away.

"I just want to feel you. No sexual stuff. Just feel you and know that you are mine." I'm speechless. And he does what he said.

His hands travel my body. My boobs, stomach, hips, waist, ass, thighs, and my clit.

"Ahh" I moan.

"Fuck it" he says. He sticks two fingers in and starts going in and out.

"We're taking this to the shower" he says while he starts picking me up.

The shower was amazing. He had a condom on. Just in case.

After the shower, we go back to my room and talk.

"You're amazing"

"In bed or as a person?" I say

"Both" and we laugh.

We go on and on about eachother. We don't even talk about anything else but ourselves. I tell him about him and he tells me about me.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Author's note: with any sexual chapter, I'm
going to put stars in the chapter title. Just so you know. I've never written any sexual chapters except chapter 15. It's so weird!!!

Virgin // Shawn Mendes [Wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now