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Shawn's p.o.v

Lexi is clouding all my thoughts. I kind of figured she knew who I was but I hope she doesn't want to date me just because I'm famous. I don't think she would though. She could get anyone else, she is a famous model!

She is a very nice girl. She does not deserve all the slut shaming she is getting. The media is truly a monster. I love it but they never recognize the good things you do. It's like if you do one bad thing, they only recognize that one thing! Lex told me that 20% of the money her family makes from just modeling goes to homeless shelters of America. No one heard about that, they just heard about her stripping on the cat walk to lingerie.

Anyways, my fans are very protective. So is Cameron's. They don't want us dating anyone. Some fans supported the whole Camilla thing but a lot of fans didn't. Cam actually thinks I'm crazy for dating Lexi but I don't care.As I'm in my thoughts, my phone dings.

Cameron- hey shhhh you're thinking out loud!!!

Shawn- srry I didn't know

Cameron- aye it's fine just sleep. Enjoy your break from tour.

Shawn- k and thank you for being with me on this break. We never see each other because we're so busy!

Cameron- no problem! It's nice to get away from Hollywood.

I didn't think I was talking. I don't know how I'm going to sleep with Lexi on my mind.

Lexi's p.o.v

I don't know how I'm going to sleep with Shawn on my mind. He's all I've been thinking about since he left and I talked to Vale. I just don't know how to think about all this. I need to distract myself. I'm going on Instagram.

As soon as I log into the app, I'm drenched in notifications. All on my account and tags in photos. I don't know how the Kardashians do this!

I decide not to look at the negativity on my account and just go to some tumblr-ish accounts and related searches.

As I'm looking at these accounts, all of the sudden, Shawn pops up. Little tip for the future Lex, don't try to distract yourself from your social media/pop star boyfriend by going on social media! Wow I'm an idiot.

I finally look at the time and see that it's already 1:36 a.m. I put my phone down and drift into sleep.

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