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*1 month later*

Lexi's p.o.v

When I wake up, I go downstairs to make some breakfast. I go to the pantry and realize that we are out of food. I have to go to the store. Ok don't panic. This has never happened before. We mostly order fast food and have it delivered here. Ok don't panic.

To not get recognized, I wear an oversized maroon hoodie with black leggings and uggs. I look so basic. Of course I can't forget the sunglasses. I'm so afraid the paparazzi are going to know I'm here. As I'm putting on my boots, my door swings open.

"Lex, we have a minor emergency" oh no the critics probably know we're here. Well there goes my chance at a normal life and a perfect boyfriend.

"We're out of food. We have to go to the store" when she says that, I stare at her like she's stupid. She got me so nervous god!

"This is an emergency!!!!!" She says

"Vale it's not a minor emergency compared to getting spotted. Don't play with me like that!! If you want to go to the store with me, you can"

"You're right and okay. I'll go get ready."

In five minutes, she is ready and we go to the store. When we get to the store, I recognize a familiar car. As we walk in, we go to get the basic breakfast stuff and then microwaveable meals. As I'm reaching for my cereal, someone's hand lands on mine while reaching the same box.

I look at the person and notice that it's Shawn.

"We have a funny way of meeting eachother in stores."he laughs

"Guess we do" I say

He takes my sunglasses off and kisses me. God every time he touches me, it feels like there's a zoo in my stomach. After the kiss, we pull away and smile.

"I guess I wanted to do that." He says

"Good to know" I say smiling

"Why are you wearing sunglasses?"

"Avoid being recognized. I'm still in hiding"

"Oh sorry I forgot you were a starlit" he says

"Haha. You are too. I should go help Vale shop"

"Ok text me later"

"I will" I say smiling while walking away

I find Vale in the frozen meal section. Damn the cart is almost full!!! I guess she's very hungry.

"Spending more of mommies money huh?"

"Yes bitch, I'm hungry and I swear I'll eat all of this"

"You better"

Mom can't make us be vegan now because we're still in hiding. I have no plans in getting back into the industry, I just want to live my life normally.

We're finally done and we go to the register. The lady looks at me very strange.

"Hey you look just like Lexi Alderidge."

I start to freak out a little, but I can't show it. I finally come up with something to say.

"Haha, I wish. She is gorgeous!" I say in my fake Britain accent.

"You know, you should make an Instagram. Look alikes get famous!"

"Maybe. Well thank you for making my day! Bye" I say with the cart while me and Vale walk away with our groceries.

"Damn sis that was close"

We finally get back to the house and put the food away. I think I could get used to this new life. I go to my room and decide to text Shawn.

Lex: hey babe
Shawn: hey
Lex: wyd?
Shawn: just chilling. What about you?
Lex: just texting you😂
Shawn: yah well I want to see you more!
Lex: lets make time for that
Shawn: meet me at my house house in 1 hour?
Lex: sure

He sends me the address and with that, our conversation ends. I guess I should get a little ready.

I do my makeup, which is a glowy natural look. Then I straighten my hair.

Finally I'm ready. I go downstairs and find Vale watching divergent.

"I'll be back later sis. I'm going to Shawn's house. Don't get too crazy while I'm gone"

"Ok and I won't and when you get back, can we have one of our sister talks?"

"Sure bye I love you!"

As I'm walking out, my phone vibrates in my pocket. It's from my mom.

"Get your shit together together lex. No boys."

I don't understand....

Virgin // Shawn Mendes [Wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now