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Lexi's p.o.v

At the first ultrasound, everything went as planned. My mom, April, and Vale went. It was so amazing. Seeing my baby. It's too early to find out the sex, but in 2 short months, I'll know.

Vale was teary-eyed, mom was crying, and even April was crying. I realized that this is all the family I need. Whenever we were looking at the screen, I turned to mom and April and told them something. They are basically sisters, they are so close. They actually were best friends in high school; it's crazy how life goes.

I looked at them and told April that I want her to be a second grandmother to my baby and that my baby will need all the love and support it can get. She cried harder and hugged me. April can't have kids, so I'm happy that she will help raise mine.

I got the pictures from the ultrasound and hung them up on the fridge. Vale said that even though I'm only 3 months along, I should start thinking of names. I don't know the gender, but I do know that I want the baby's name to be similar to Shawn's. It just feels right.

We decided that we'll make 2 copies of the birth certificate. To the media, it'll be an Alderidge, but
It's other birth certificate says that it will be a Mendes. I know that we are planning far ahead, but we're trying to make this pregnancy not an unplanned one. I don't want my child to ever think that he or she was a mistake.

I took a picture of the ultrasound picture and made it my home and lock screen on my phone. I don't know how I'm going to live the next 7 months, I'm so ready to meet my baby.

Right now, we're working on a bedroom for the baby. Our apartment had a spare room, so we're going to turn that into a nursery. So far we got the crib and the dresser for the clothes. We're leaving the walls white. I don't know the sex of the baby, so I'm not going to paint the walls yet. I'm thinking once I know whether I'm having a boy or a girl, I'm just going to get blue or pink decorations, I honestly really don't want to paint.

"Well it looks like we're done putting that together." Vale says as she stands up and we look at the crib.

"I love it" I say with a huge smile.

"Well I think the baby will love it to-" she stops what she's saying when treat you better comes on the radio. We just look at the radio and glare as we think of him.

"Enough of that" she says as she walks over to the radio and turns it off.

"I can't wait to meet my beautiful niece or nephew" she says grinning.

"Me too" I hold my stomach.

"You're starting to show! I know that all of this happened so sudden, but I'm happy that you're happy. You are the strongest person I know" we hug and look back at the crib.

I walk over to it. I touch the sides of it and imagine my baby laying in it. In 7 short months, my child will be in it, and I couldn't be more happier.

Virgin // Shawn Mendes [Wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now