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Shawn's p.o.v

I wake up to my phone buzzing like usual. Mostly notifications from fans. It's amazing how far I have come in 3 years. Vine is just an app. Everything is still so crazy and sere real. I am truly grateful for my fans. I decide to text Lexi and see what she's doing. I feel bad for all of this media attention towards her. I don't know what she did but I have heard her name a lot.

Shawn: hey

Lexi: hey

Shawn: whats up

Lexi: Nothing much. Just watching Netflix with my sister

Shawn: What's her name?

Lexi: Vale

Shawn: oh. I was thinking... do you want to go to this park with me later?

Lexi: sure! like a date?

Shawn: if you want it to be...

Lexi: ok

Shawn: do you want me to pick you up?

Lexi: sure

After that, she gave me her address and we talked about the time it would be and then I started getting ready. I was a bit nervous but she seems sweet. I can't wait to get to know her better.

Lexi's p.o.v

" Oh my gosh I can't believe that just happened!!" I say with Vale next to me

"What??" Vale said

"I'm going on a date to the park with Shawn Mendes!" I say excitedly

"Wow girl you move quick. Where is it?"

"It's at a park."

"Okay. Kids probably don't know who you are so it's all good."

"Oh ok."

"I know that he's famous and all too Lexi but you need to understand what you're getting yourself into. He has a fandom and I think most of them probably think your a hoe. Just know that if ya'll get serious, he will tell his fandom and lord knows how that might go."

"I know Vale. I understand all of this but by the time he does, all of this probably would be blown over and everything will be good."

I was not affended that she basically called me a hoe because it kind of sounds like I am from what happened back in New York but Shawn didn't judge. I guess because he knew me a little before it happened.

"Oh and Vale, he's coming to pick me up at 3:00."

"Ok well it's 12:00 now so you should probably start getting ready"


I go to my room and get my clothes prepared. I decided that I'm going to wear some light-wash skinny jeans, a black shirt, a black leather jacket, black riding boots, and a light brown knit scarf.

After I picked out my outfit, I decided I should take a shower. I grabbed my phone and put on my Spotify playlist and started singing the songs.

Once I was done with my shower, I put my hair up in a towel, put on my robe and went back to my room to do my makeup.

My makeup routine consists of foundation, concealer, powder, lipgloss, bronzer, highlight, light brown eyeshadow, mascara and I also fill in my brows a little. I don't wear makeup everyday but since this is a date, I kinda needed to.

Then I straightened my hair and put on my outfit. I decided that I should go downstairs and wait for Shawn. As I was watching MTV, which I was on, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it"

I opened the door to see Shawn smiling. He is super cute.

"Hey" he said


Then he leaned in for a hug. I invited him in.

"So I'm gonna go tell Vale bye. I'll be right back"

Shawn's p.o.v

As I watched Lexi leave, I all of the sudden heard her name on the tv. It was on MTV. I listened to what the woman said.

"We just have so much to talk about with Lexi Alderidge's fiasco at her mother's fashion show. As the 16 year old model walked in one of her mother's most popular designs, She abruptly stripped on the catwalk to reveal black lingerie. Honey, I think you got the wrong memo. The Victoria's Secret Fashion show isn't for another 3 months. A few days after that night, the family stated that they were going to the Bahamas as a getaway from the press. I don't know if the Alderidge family had a layover but it was spotted that their plane landed in Tennessee . This entire situation is very crazy and sketchy."

I could not believe what I was hearing. How could she do that to her mother's company. How could I be so stupid to ask out a hoe. But there has to be a reason she did that because she seems very sweet. As I'm thinking of everything going on, I hear her walk back downstairs and I immediately change the channel to another station.

There's a reason she did that, and I'm going to find out.

Author's Note: Look at Shawn, always trying to believe the best in people. Let's hope Lexi had a reason to potentially ruin her mother's brand and not just do it for her personal benefit. Truths will be told on the date...


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