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Lexi's p.o.v

I can not believe Vale and I are in trouble. It can't be because of our parents. Mom and dad are the ones in the Bahamas now. They left last night after my mom dyed my hair. I'm afraid. It has to be something with the press.

"I hope everything's ok Lex." Shawn said nervous for me.

I have no idea what to expect.

"My parents left for the Bahamas last night so it wouldn't look like we made the entire trip up."

"Smart idea but do you think it has to deal with the news?"

"Maybe. It couldn't be my parents. I just don't know Shawn. If Vale is playing with me, I swear I'm going to kill her."

"Hah well I hope it's nothing on the news. Hopefully it's something that has to deal with your house or something."


Once we reach my house, Shawn gets out of the car and opens the door for me.

"Thank you." I say

"No problem" he says

"Hey, do you want to come in and stay for a little?" I was wondering because our date ended so quick. Maybe he could stay and watch a movie.

"Uh sure. I got no where to be right now."

We walk up to the door and it's unlocked. I run in and try to find Vale.

"Vale" I yell

I look around and see her walk downstairs with a disappointed look on her face.

"Vale what's going on??!?!?" I say

"Wait is this Shawn?" she says reaching to shake his hand

"Yes" I say

"Well nice to meet you bup." she says and Shawn just smiles and looks back at me

"Answer me Vale, NOW!"

"Well the money from mom's line is dropping, with the rate it's going, we will be in bankrupt in 1 year if mom doesn't create an entirely different line of clothing. And she has to sign us off as models of hers to continue her brand. People won't buy it."

"Oh my god"

I am so shocked right now. I can't believe it. Mom has to do what's best for her company.

"Did you call her and say that she needs to do that." I say

"Oh honey she is already on her way to New York." Vale says

"Okay wow"

"Well I just needed to tell you that. I'm gonna go upstairs and give you and Shawn some privacy. Ya'll can do whatever you want just don't eat my chips in the kitchen." Vale says laughing walking back upstairs. I'm so lucky to have a sister like her.

I turn back around to Shawn. He is standing up while looking at me up and down. This boiiiii.

"So what do you wanna do?" I tell him

" I don't know. Do you want to watch Netflix?"

"Sure! Just no scary movies."

"Ok babe"

He called me babe!!! I don't know if we're officially boyfriend and girlfriend yet. I wonder why he hasn't said anything. He asked me out on a date and kissed me. Maybe he's waiting for the right time.

We're laying down watching The Carrie Diaries. Surprisingly, he likes this show. It does talk about sex which makes it a little awkward for me.

I'm still a virgin and I don't know much about sex. What I heard about sex was from my sister. I don't know if she's a virgin but she told me about it when I was 13 and she was 14. At the time, she did have a boyfriend but I don't know.

I wonder what it's like. To love, to make love, and what it feels like.

I'm laying in Shawn's arms thinking about it when he suddenly turns down the volume on the TV and tries to sit up. We're both sitting on the couch facing eachother when he grabs my hands.

"Lexi, today has been a great day. I have loved spending it with you." He says a little nervous but happy.

" I have too."

" I know I don't fit into your world as much and I know you have a lot going on, but I want to ask you something."


"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He says looking at me. I could see the love in his eyes and I smile.

"Yes of course!" I say hugging him

I have never really had a boyfriend. My mom always wanted me to focus on modeling. I never really got the chance too.

We stop hugging and I have the biggest smile and Shawn does too. He looks at my lips and we kiss. And it wasn't just a kiss, it was a makeout.

I kind of feel like Carrie. Learning all this new stuff about relationships and in new city that I can call mine now and am still trying to figure out where I fit into it.

I really really like Shawn. Me and him just have this connection that I can't explain. We crave eachother. It's passionate. It's amazing and I never want it to stop.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: YEEEESSSS IT'S OFFICIAL!!!! Lexi and Shawn are dating!! #Shexi . I love the Carrie Diaries in this chapter and how Lexi and her are similar even though Lexi's life seems like something out of a Gossip Girl episode. What do you think of this story? Let me know in the comments! Until next time...


Virgin // Shawn Mendes [Wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now