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Lexi's p.o.v

Vale stayed for 2 days and then she went back to New York. So here I am. Alone at my house. Bored with nothing to do.

My agent said I needed to get back into social media, so I tweet some halsey song lyrics and go upstairs. I need to put on some makeup so I can take a quick picture for Instagram. Things are looking up. I guess I needed a break from everything.

Shawn's p.o.v

I miss Lex. I'm afraid to invite her to my house. Cam will just make fun of her and demean her. He knows nothing about her. Well that's about to change. They need to talk. She's my girl. I want my brother/best friend and her to get along. I need to text her.

Shawn:come to my house?
Lex: babe I don't know
Shawn: it'll be fine.
Lex:ok I'm on my way

Well that was fast. 10 minutes past and she's here.

"Hey babe!" She says running to me then hugs me.

"Hey!" God I missed this.

"Cam Lexi is here" I yell to him upstairs. Lexi looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Why did you do that?"

"Wait" I say

Cameron comes downstairs and sees her. He looks genuinely pissed. What is it with him?

"Hey whore" he says. I'm pissed.

"That's it I'm leaving!" Lexi says walking to the door. I immediately grab her arm and pick her up. I take her to the kitchen and she sits at the table looking down. I go back to the living room to talk to Cam.

"I want my brother and girlfriend to get along. Just talk to her. Get to know her. Stop judging her. You don't even know her. Give it a chance." He looks pissed but he does what I say. He has no choice. He knows it's the right thing to do.

He sits at the table with Lexi. He is right across from her. She looks up at him and then at me. She has fear in her eyes. I don't ever want to see that on her ever again.

"Cameron you got a lot of nerve" she says. Cam looks at her and just doesn't talk. He just stares at her angrily. I sit down at the end of the table next to them on both sides.

"Ok guys. You are sitting next to eachother because I want y'all to get along. You don't know anything about eachother. Let's just settle this." They just look at me and nod.

"Shawn I don't see the point in this. I don't want to talk to a whore like her." He looks at me and then back at her. Lexi looks like she's plotting something.

"How can I be a whore when your brother is the only guy I've ever been with?" She tells Cameron. His face has guilt written all over it.

"I didn't-" Cameron says.

"Yeah you didn't know. You don't know anything about me. You just go along with what other people say or think"

"Ok well lets get to know eachother" he says.

They start talking about their lives. Lexi told Cam what she told me on the first date. How she was brought up and how she got into modeling and why she did what she did to get out of it. Cam looked so surprised but still guilty. Cam tells her his life. They actually have a lot on common.

They speak more. They talk about things that they like. Cam tells a few jokes and she laughs. Her laugh melts my heart.

"Lexi I'm sorry for treating you and your sister like shit. I'm such a dick and I should've gotten to know you before I judged. I'm very sorry." And she forgives him.

"I wish I could tell Vale that I'm sorry for what I did to her" he says looking down.

"You can." She says. He immediately looks up. Lexi gets out her phone and FaceTimed Vale. She picks up.

"Yoooo what's up sis?" We all smile at how Vale is.

"I'm here with someone and they want to speak to you." Right after Lex says that, she turns the camera to Cameron. Before Vale can say anything, he speaks.

"Vale I'm very sorry for how I treated you. I sat down and got to know your sister and she spoke so much about you. I'm very very sorry for everything I did to you. I hurt you. I will never treat you like that ever again."

Vale looks at him and she looks like she is going to cry.

"I forgive you Cameron. Everything is cool now." She says smiling.

"Ok thank you." Then Lexi turns the camera back to herself and talks to Vale. They talk about what she's doing in New York. Modeling sounds so hard!

"Ok bye sis I love you" Lexi says and we all say bye.

She then hangs up.

"Ok I feel a lot better about everything" I say.

"I do too. Shawn you got yourself a keeper here. Don't let her go." Cam says.

"Trust me, I won't" I say smiling and she smiles. With that, Cam leaves and goes back to his room.

"You wanna come to my house?" Lexi says.

"Hell yeah" I say. I then run upstairs, pack my bag, then run back downstairs and go to her car.

It's gone be one of those nights.

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