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Lexi's p.o.v

Finally the doctor brings Sophia into the room with a few papers.

I write down her full name on the birth certificate and my signature.

"Can you give me another birth certificate? As you know this is a celebrities baby and the father isn't here due to certain reasons, I want 2 birth certificates. To the media, she will be an Alderidge, but in the family, she'll be a Mendes." The doctor grins and walks back outside.

He comes back and I write her name again, but this time, I use Mendes. I sign my signature and tell the doctor to keep the baby a secret. He nods.

He hands Sophia over to me, so I can hold her. She is healthy. He leaves the room and within a matter of seconds, my family comes back including April.

"Awe" Vale says as soon as she opens the door to see me with Sophia.

Everyone kisses her head and sits down at the couch next to the bed.

"She looks just like you and Shawn" Austin says and I smile.

"The doctor walked in earlier with some papers and Sophia has 2 birth certificates. To the media, she's an Alderidge, but in the family, she's a Mendes." Everyone nods. They can't their eyes of Sophia.

"What's her full name?" Mom asks.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time. I wanted it to be very similar to Shawn's. It just feels right. Her name is Sophia Peyton Raul Mendes" I say with a grin and everyone smiles.

"Austin, as you know, Vale is the godmother, since you are technically her uncle, I also want you to be her god father." He smiles and wipes a tear from his eye.

I let everyone have a turn to hold Sophia. Later, Austin's family comes and they see Sophia. Eventually, mom's side of the family comes and they love Sophia. Everyone loves her.

The doctor tells me that we can leave early in the morning. Mom and Vale stay the night with me and Sophia at the hospital. Austin left with his family and April left earlier.

In the morning

We get our bags ready, mom leaves earlier to put Sophia's car seat in her car. Once mom gets back to the room, we leave and sign papers that prove we have left.

We get to the car, I strap Sophia in her car seat and sit next to her.

We make it back to the apartment and I take Sophia up to her room. Mom and Vale follow. I change Sophia into some different clothes and sit down in the rockingchair with her. I give her her bottle and I talk with Vale and mom.

"We're so proud of you Lexi. For everything." Mom says and I smile.

"We promise that we're going to be the best family for Sophia and that we will give her everything you and her need."

"Thank you. I don't know what I would've done without both of you. Thank you for always being there."

Sophia is finally asleep and I put her in her crib and turn on the baby monitor. I have 1 in my room and one in the living room.

I walk downstairs to eat some good food and watch tv. Everyone is talking about our "cousin" and how the family resemblance is uncanny because I look just like her. Well she is mine, just the media doesn't know that. I Snapchat a picture of my food and the tv. I'm trying to act like I didn't just have a baby.

It's night time now and I'm laying on the couch with Sophia in my arms. She's sound asleep. I rub her little head and kiss her.

"Mommy promises to give you all the love in the world. You are going to have a great life. I know daddy isn't going to be in the picture like we want him to, but I promise that your life will be full of love and happiness. I am going to be the best mommy I can be for you." I kiss her head again and walk upstairs with her in my arms.

We go to my room and I put her in her basinet that is next to my bed. I swaddle her in a blanket and go to my bathroom to get changed and brush my teeth.

I walk back to her room and I feel like something is missing. I go to my room, open my night stand, get a picture and a frame, then walk back to her room. 

I hang the picture that me and Shawn took together back in Tennessee right next to her crib. I want her to know who her dad is.

I wish he was here. I wish he was standing right next to me. I wish he was there with me when she was born, but he wasn't.

I am doing what I think is best for him. It is all for him.

Virgin // Shawn Mendes [Wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now