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Lexi's p.o.v

2 weeks later

I wake up to the sun shining on my face. Nearly blinded as I open my eyes, Vales runs into my room.

"Wake up girly! It's lunchtime now! You slept in."

"Ugh ok"

"Mom made spaghetti last night, so I'll go heat up the leftovers since mom's not here." She says as she walks out of my room.

I get up from my bed, walk to my bathroom and wash my face.

I use the bathroom and notice something odd. I was supposed to get my period days ago. Well I haven't been eating much because I've been depressed. That can make a period irregular.

I walk down the stairs and see Vale stirring the spaghetti.

"Mom is staying at her apartment near her agency. She's having issues with the fabrics and designs of the clothes. I guess we won't be seeing much of her for a while." Vale slides the bowl of food to me on the counter.

As soon as I look at the food, I'm in complete disgust. I run to the bathroom barely making it. I sit next to the toilet and throw up.

I don't know what came over me. Spaghetti is my favorite meal.

"What the hell Lexi are you ok?" Right after she says that, more comes up.

"Let it all out" she says while patting my back and pulling my hair out of my face.

Finally after 20 minutes, I'm done. I go to the sink to brush my teeth.

"Did you eat something last night that made your stomach hurt lex?"

"I don't know. I've been having horrible cramps." She has a concerned look on her face.

"How about you just stay in your room and rest for the rest of the day. I'll get you some medicine."

"Alright" I walk back to my room. I close the shades on my window and pull the curtains. I sit on my bed, turn on my laptop, and watch pitch perfect 2. I get under my covers and lay down.

Vale brings in a glass of water and some medicine.

"Take this and you should be good."

I take the pill with the water. I give her back the glass and she sets it on my nightstand. She walks out of my room and closes the door.

The cramps are even worse after she gave me the medicine. I just need to sleep.

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