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Shawn's p.o.v

I'm so ready for Lex to come over. It's the first time she'll be at my apartment.

"Yo Cam" I yell from the other room

"I have a girl coming over" after I say that, he looks taken back

"Not just any girl Shawn, Lexi freaking Alderidge. Millions of guys would kill to be you right now. You got yourself a true trophy."

"Ok listen, I don't look at her like she's a trophy or prize. She's one of a kind and I'm lucky to be with her. Also don't look at her in the famous sense. You hate that word because it categorizes people."

"Ok you're right. So Shawn you getting any action with her? You tap that?"

"What the fuck man. She's not an object or a slut like the media makes her out to be. I love her so please just not view her like that!" I can't believe what I just said. I love her.

"Ok and woah! I'm happy that you love her" he says walking out of the room.

Oh god. I love her. I doubt she feels the same way. We just met not too long ago. I'm moving too fast. But I can't deny my feelings, I just can't let it slip out.

As I'm thinking, I hear the doorbell ring. She's here.

"Hey babe" I say while going in to hug her.

"Hey!" She says smiling. God I love her smile.

"Wanna go to my room?"

"Um sure"

Lexi's p.o.v

It's not a big deal lex. You're going to his room. Chill out. It'll be good. God I'm so nervous.

"So this is my room. Nothing special"

"Wow it's clean!"


He walks over to his bed patting a spot for me to sit. I go and sit down next to him. We just look into eachothers eyes. His eyes are perfect. Ugh he's perfect!

"I'm so lucky" he says as he looks at my lips.

Instantly, I feel his lips on mine. They are so soft. I never made out with anyone other than him. I love having new experiences with him.

I lay down on his bed, he's on top. Our tongues are fighting for dominance. His hands are traveling my body. It's the best feeling in the world. It's like his lips are glued to mine. He is so passionate and gentle. I'm in love with him.

What??? I'm in love with him? I love him? Oh god I do. This is crazy.

His lips move to my neck. Sure to leave marks. He finds my spot and I moan. I feel his lips smirk as I do that. My hands travel is body. His abs are so perfect. He is perfect. I'm so lucky! How is it that someone so
amazing can just waltz into my crazy life.

His lips go back to connect with mine. I crave him. He craves me. The feeling is indescribable. He pulls away and cuddles up next to me playing with my long brown hair. I turn towards him. I caress his cheek and jawline, softly rubbing my thumb on his face.

He looks at me like I'm his world. I do the same. I can't imagine how my life was without him. He is truly a blessing.

"I need to tell you something" he says. He seems nervous.

"What is it"

"Don't freak out, but I think I'm in love with you"

My heart stops. I am full of happiness. I haven't felt this way in forever.

"Shawn. Don't freak out, but I know I'm in love with you." He just smiles and kisses me so passionately. There it is again. Fireworks. That feeling I get in my stomach. What is this boy doing to me.

We get up and go downstairs. We decide to watch t.v. He puts on the vampire diaries. How is it that he loves shows that I love?

We watch 5 episodes. I look at my phone and see that it's getting late.

"Um I should probably go"

"Oh ok. I'll walk you out"

We get up and he grabs my hand and walks me to my car. I get in and roll down the window. I close my door and put my seatbelt on.

"Hey I love you" he kisses me on the other side of the car door.

"I love you too"

With that, I leave and go back home. This boy is special. I don't want to let him go.

When I get home, I'm reminded of what my mom texted me earlier and how Vale wants to talk.

I walk in the door and Vale is just standing there waiting for me.

"Ok mom is pissed at you. We're both in real trouble" she says

Well damn...

Virgin // Shawn Mendes [Wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now