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Vale's p.o.v

"Ok so what's the big news sis?"I say

"Um" she looks nervous

"Tell meeee" I have to know!!!

"Me and Shawn had sex" she blurts out. Oh my god!!!!!! I'm so happy!

"What wow!"I say shocked but happy.

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be? I know you love him, so I'm ok with it." I will always support her on everything. I don't want her to ever feel like she can't tell me anything.

"Ok good." She says with relief.

"My sisters not a virgin!!" I sing. I just had to do it. She laughs.

"Ok tell me all the details. I swear I won't judge. This stays between me and you." I say. I'm dying to know!!!!!!

"Ok well, I was eating and Shawn came. I had no idea he was coming by the way. He told me how he's crazy without me and that he's in love with me. Also how's he's sorry for everything that has happened and that he wants to make new experiences with me."


"Yeah. So I didn't know what to say, so I kissed him. I was just gonna leave it at that, but he kissed me and we started making out. We went to my room and you know what happens from there."

"Omg! Yes I know what happens from there but I want to know details!!! Tell me! I swear I would never judge you!"

"Ok but you have to tell me about you and James that night you lost yours."

"Deal" I say and we shake hands. We have such a goofy sister relationship. She is like my best friend. She is!

"Well we took off eachothers clothes that were thrown around the room. He had to get up and go to his pants where the condom was. Then came back and you know what happened. It hurt so bad! A tear slipped from my eye. He asked if I was ok, I just shook my head. Eventually the pain got better. And it wasn't just sex, it was making love. He was making love to me. It was the best feeling in the world. Um Vale? This next part is kind of uncomfortable for me. I think you won't like it."

"Awe that's so great! Making love is the best feeling ever too. Oh and I think I know the next part. Just say it!"

"Ok well he ate me out"

"Ahhhhh" I say so excited!!!

"It was so funny like he pulled out. I had no idea what he was about to do until it happened. It was the best feeling ever. God this is so weird!"

"It is the best feeling ever and I bet. What happened after that?"

"We didn't speak. We just laid down and went to sleep. Now tell me about you and James."

"Oh and ok. Your experience was similar to mine. I invited him over. He came with me to my room. We did it. As soon as he entered me, it hurt so bad. But it got better. We were protected too. Um we both did oral"

"Omg Vale!!!!!!!! You did that. I didn't and honestly I'm afraid to."

"Don't be. Boys are easy like that. They'll be happy that you're just pleasing them. Go with your instincts on everything. Don't stress."

"Ok thanks for the advice. Don't tell anyone what I told you ok?"

"I won't I swear. Same here. Don't tell anyone what I told you."

"I promise. We have a secret? You and me?" She says

"Yep! So what do you want to do?"

"Honestly I just want a shower" she says

"You do because the next one you'll have will be with Shawnnnnn!!"

"Oh god Vale😂"

Lexi's p.o.v

It felt nice telling her everything. I had to get it off my chest. I was low key uncomfortable but I know she supports me. I just hope my relationship with Shawn won't end like her and James did.

Author's note: I hope this chapter wasn't too weird. Best friends talk about things like that. Especially when they're close. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm honestly really loving this book.

Virgin // Shawn Mendes [Wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now