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Lexi's p.o.v

We get to my room and close the door. He lays me down on the bed and starts removing my clothes. He kisses my neck. As he does this, he unclips my bra. I tug on his shirt and he takes it off.

He kisses me passionately as he unbuttons my pants and pulls them off leaving me only in my underwear.

He stops and slips off his pants. Memories of my first time starts flooding back. Our first time.

"Are you ok?" He says while wiping a tear from my face. I didn't even realize I was crying.


He proceeds and kisses me. His uses his tongue to deepen the kiss. As he does this, he pulls off my underwear.

My hands travel his body all the way to the hem of his underwear. He kisses my neck while he pulls off his underwear.

Instantly, I feel him enter me.

"Ah" I moan/scream. I adjust to his size and then he starts thrusting in and out. I grip the sheets. Pleasure fills my body. I arch my back from the familiar feeling.

He starts moaning. I wrap my legs around his waist as he thrusts harder hitting my g spot.

I can't control any of my moans. Sweat forms on his forehead. Pleasure has taken over my body. He loves me so good.

A pit forms in my stomach and his thrusts become sloppy. I feel him cum in me and then he pulls out and lays next to me.

His arms wrap around my body as he kisses my neck. I grab onto his arms never wanting to let go. I flip towards his direction so I can see his face. My thumb rubs against his cheek then moves to his lips.

His hand plays in my hair. Eventually he stops and moves closer to me. He leans in and kisses me. Our kiss turns into a make out. I'm going to miss this. Every bit of it. He pulls away and lays next to me. His arms wrap around me.

"You're going to live it up in New York. I know you will love it there" he says

"I love being with you more" I say on the edge of crying.

"I know. One day you're going to remember how much I love you. Then you're going to hate me for letting you go." I don't get how he could say that to me.

"I could never possibly hate you. No matter how hard I try."

Sometimes two people have to fall apart so they can realize how much they need to fall back together.

Cameron's words keep playing in my head. "She's a keeper. Don't let her go." What hurts is that Shawn said "Trust me, I won't" and he did the exact opposite.

"I love you Lexi Alderidge"

"I love you Shawn Mendes"

I slowly get tired and feel myself drifting into sleep.

Right before I fall completely asleep. Shawn speaks.

"I love you. I will never stop loving you."

And with that, I'm out like a light.

Virgin // Shawn Mendes [Wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now