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Lexi's p.o.v

Shawn was such a gentlemen, but I could tell something was bothering him as he walked me to his car. I want to know what it is. I think I just need to focus on getting to know him better. What could be bothering him might be a personal problem. I'm not gonna say anything.

"So how have you been?" I say as he's driving

"Good. Um how's your life in Nashville now?"

"It's going great. I'm happy I met someone that gets the media like you. I'm just waiting for all of this drama to blow over."

"I would be too"

The drive to the park was pretty short from my house. Like 5 minutes. Maybe I should come here often.

"I'll get the door." Shawn said as he got out of the car to open the door for me.

I was impressed with his manners. He is super nice. And very attractive. I like him a lot but his fans would probably hate me.

As were walking to the park, I see a blanket with a picnic basket and a bottle of something. Wow, I'm impressed.

"So I thought you would like a nice picnic. Especially something away from photographers. This city is flooded with them. But they're only interested in country singers"

"Well thanks! How's your tour been?"

"It's been great, I just really needed a break. That's why I'm here in Nashville, just testing out a new scene. Also I have some friends here that are big in country music"

"Well that's cool!" I say genuinely happy. I haven't been very happy since all of this mess with the fashion show happened.

Me and Shawn are eating turkey sandwiches with sparkling water. I really like how this date is going!

Shawn's p.o.v

She looks very beautiful in her outfit and the scenery in this park is perfect. I'm really loving talking to her but I want to learn more about her then what the press makes her out to be.

"So tell me more about yourself. What do you like to do?" I say. Hopefully I can get close to her to figure out why she did what she did back in New York.

"Oh well I like to sing and dance. My mom and dad used to take me to piano lessons when I was growing up. I miss those times. We were a happy family."

"Your family's not happy anymore?"

"No. My mom got more invested in her company which gave my sister and I too much exposure to handle. Everyone wanted to take pictures or have pictures of us. My 12 to 16 year old self didn't have a normal introduction to growing into a teen. I was in this world where I was judged if I wasn't pretty enough or skinny enough and it was terrible."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I feel bad for her but I now know that she's been through a lot. I have to.

"I would cry myself to sleep at night of how stressing and nerve-racking it was to go to casting calls. My sister didn't like it either.  She was the one that was there for me. I missed playing the piano in my room and writing songs. I missed painting my nails with my sister. I miss baking cupcakes with my mom. I miss being a family."

"I am so very sorry Lexi. I had no idea. I wish you would have never gone through that."

I felt terrible for her and her family. After hearing here story, I would have done the same thing she did on that runway.

"So is that why you did what you did at your mother's fashion show?"

"Actually yes! Me and Vale couldn't take it anymore. I was going into depression and Vale wanted out. We talked about doing something crazy but never really committed to it. When I saw that lingerie in my dressing room for another model to have after the show, I realized it would be my only chance. That's why I did it."

"Thanks for telling me. I'm truly sorry for everything."

After that, I gave her a hug and kissed her on the cheek. My heart hurt for her. She didn't deserve to grow up like that.

"Well I'm thankful that it did happen because if it didn't, I wouldn't have seen you." She said with a smile.

"I'm thankful too." I say looking at her lips then back up at her.

I grab her face and lean in to kiss her.

Lexi's p.o.v

Our lips touch. And it's the best feeling in the world. I can feel the chemistry we have for eachother and I loved it. I don't want the kiss to end. But it does.

I don't know what to say now. I feel like I should say something but I don't know what.

"Um we should start going back." He says

"yeah it's getting dark."

We pick up the blanket and picnic basket and bring it back to the car. I set it in the back. As I get in the car, my phone buzzes. I'm pretty sure I turned it on do not disturb.

I open up the screen to see Vale's text message.

Vale: Come home now! We're in trouble!!!!

Lexi: I'm on my way

"Oh my god no!"

By the time I say that, Shawn starts the car.


"Me and Vale are in trouble. And I don't know what about."

Author's Note: Well I guess we know why Lexi did her Lingerie flaunt back in New York. I have to say, I would have done it to if I was in her circumstance. Would you? What is Vale and Lexi in trouble about? What other news could have possibly came out?


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