A Cry of Happiness (Offenderman x Baby!Reader)

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The burden of the night dawned upon Offenderman as he started to kill his many female victims after he had sex with them. He also did this to a few males that he came across to that who he had sex with as well.

Offenderman POV

     "Where are we gonna put her," I had overheard a few people spoke as I slowly passed by an open yet cluttered up alleyway that covered the open spot in between two large buildings. Yet the voices sound familiar to me but yet couldn't make them out. I considered ignoring them and try to just walk past them, but yet I couldn't because of those voices were too familiar me then I wanted them to. 

      "Let's just either dump or kill the stupid little brat," I overheard one of the many people. Then the child started to let out a cry of agony rang into my ears. I started to get mad in as a few mere seconds went by. My heart seems to break in about a million pieces as I started to walked through the crowded alleyway while I tried to stay hidden behind the junk that crowded the stupid alleyway.

       As I neared to the group of people that surrounded the small form of a baby. To me by looking at the child, they to be around 3 months old or even less if I have guessed. By going forward even farther, I tried my best to stay hidden in the abyss of the alleyway that provided shadows in the night. Or in other words, stay hidden behind a fucking beat up refrigerator box that gone thrown out.

      "Okay let's just hurry with this shit," growled an angry short Mexican woman. Well her voice sounded like it that is. I saw her get close to the baby a knife high above her head, I shot a tendril around her waist as I hear her gasp. 

      I brought her to me as a smirk crawled onto my face as I snap her neck. I then proceed to do this one by one as they dwell in size. Until only one was left they seem to appear as a man their silhouette seems to be masculine and decent height. 

      "Just leave the child alone, I won't even kill. Unless you even dare to harm a single hair on their head," I growled at him revealing my unhuman like shark teeth at him. He seemed to have moved closer.

      That seemed to have set me off the most. My vision was clouded by rage as I started to attack him over and over again with my pure white tendrils that seemed like turned red from as his blood I got on them. When I thought it was over I walked over to the baby that was crying I looked down and smiled.

       Out of everything I did, I cared not for a human, not for lust, not for bloodlust or anything about that at all. I cared about safety for a baby girl. I cared about her future. I cared about her life. I cared about her growing up to become the greatest person in the world.

~A few years later~ 


       Well, it has been 6 years since I been with my dad. We had our ups and downs like seriously ups and down. My dad now hates swings because I always jumped off when I was high in the air and always landed on my butt when I touched the ground. But I know he cares about me and my well being.

      As well as today is my first day of school. My dad can't take so he let's brother's proxy Timmy take me instead. I don't mind because I see him as my cousin. Even though he says he is not my cousin I still call him that is what I saw him as. 

     He gave up caring about 3 years ago so I was about 2 when I meet him I called my uncle until I actually said that he was his proxy. But I thought it meant cousin so I started to call him my cousin ever since then.

     As we were walking cousin Timmy took off his mask. He only takes off around me and I don't mind. "Thanks for taking me to school cousin Timmy," I say with a small smile on my face. He looked at me with a smile and said ", No problem cousin. I still care about you even though it may not seem like."

   As we neared the school I started to feel scared. At a distance, it seemed small, but now it looked massive to me. Timmy squeezed my hand as we walked through the front doors. "Hello, I'm Tim Mandril. I am here to drop off my cousin." I heard my cousin say to the scary lady.

   The lady nodded and hand Timmy a paper and he signed the paper and hugged me goodbye. "I will be picking her up after school too," said Timmy and the lady nodded again. I waved goodbye and was walked to class. 

To be Continued ...(Maybe)

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