Nurse Ann and Dr Smiley

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I guess some people do like these creepypastas so I hope you enjoy.

3rd person POV

    It was a beautiful day for couples to relax in the warm and radiant sun while taking a casual stroll in the park on a warm day as today. But one couple was still working because of their 24-hour jobs at working in a hospital for serious emergencies such as broken bones and help people give birth. Which is fun for them anyway.

    But one day while Nurse Ann was at the desk she heard the ambulance at 2 in the morning and ask the doctors to go get a gurney for the woman who was in pain at the moment. She paged another doctor because her husband was already doing another surgery for the week and possibly maybe another death but hoped not.

     But the surgery wasn't a broken bone surgery though. It was an emergency C-section. So it took longer then usually do an extra hour or two at most and possibly three hours but wasn't too sure. The surgery was going as normal until the patient's heart rate has stopped as soon as the baby was born.

A Doctor POV

     The patient's heart rate had just stop as soon as the baby was born from their mother. This was a really rare thing that happens a baby losing their mother as soon as they are born on the spot. The baby cried as I hold them in my arms. "Nurse take this baby to the nursery please," I asked the closest nurse to me at the time.

     As the baby was sent to the nursery I called doctor Smiley "Dr I have another dead patient while giving birth, do you want me to send them to you or take it to the cemetery?" I waited for a few minutes until the friendly doctor said "Send them to the cemetery" then I hung up.

     Dr Smiley POV

         I have heard the best news ever. A mother passed away while giving birth. So when Dr Demon (yes I have added myself) had hanged up I rushed to the nursery. So I slashed the Nurse in there and grabbed the baby with (h/c) hair. 

       I rushed over to my wife and grabbed her hand. "Smiley calm down. What are you doing?" she asked all that I did was turn around with the baby in my arms. She squealed in excitement and took the baby and said:"We finally had a child, thank honey."

      So we ran off into the woods nearby the hospital. I guess we were lucky and so we ran deep in the woods until we saw Slender manor. We knocked on the door roughly while trying to hold our child.  

     As soon as I knocked on the door Slenderman open to spot me and Ann out of breath. "Smiley, why do you have a baby in your arms," Slenderman asked with a serious tone.

       "Well meet my and Ann's child (y/n)," I said while chuckling nervously. As Slenderman was looking at them Jeff walked in and said: "wow what an ugly baby".

      The next we heard was a squeaky voice say "I think you should look in a mirror yourself, you mime" said our child. But she was a newborn?!?!

Y/N Pov

        Everyone was shocked at what I said. "What did I say something wrong," I asked everyone in the room. Then Slenderman asked, "what are you really (Y/n)".

     "Well I am a changeling if it is not obvious," I told them and then they all calm down. "You have to get rid of them or that thing is going to kill us all," Jeff said out of rage.

     "Well excuse me for being a creature that feeds on parents love", I said in sad manor but I didn't care. Then I heard the woman said,"Do you want me and my husband to be your parents." I was shocked but happy at the same time.

   "I would love to, but why do you want me as your kid," I asked them with the question. "Well you see we can't have our own child, plus you are very unique so why not," they said. No, I was happy to have my family and they hugged me. This is now my forever home.


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