Zozo (request)

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Picture of a cat that looks like Batman. Plus this is not a creepypasta but a few people. Actually thought I should add it.

Narrator  Pov

         It was a quiet time at night like any other. The howls from the wolves at 2:50 am, gave an eery vibe at that time of night. "Sis why are we out here, at this hour," asked an (h/l) (h/c) hair girl. Her sister gave no reply to her younger sibling. Salina just gave her sister a look of anger. "Just keep quiet for now (y/n). Or I'm gonna shut you up myself." From then on they kept for 10 minutes. Until it struck 3 am exactly. (Y/n)'s sister stopped at a dead tree and suddenly disappeared from her spot. Then lighting hit a tree to give low light. Her sister died at her spot that she was just standing at. (Y/n) ran so the same thing doesn't happen to her as well.

(Y/n) POV

     I ran as fast as I could to get away from him. The pitch black being that had also killed my parents and now my sister in the same manner. Now I am the only one left in my whole family. I was the last shadow shifter in my whole family. Then I suddenly tripped over a log, I didn't notice that was there. I was a crying mess near a pure black tree I created without my know being. Then I heard a deep dark voice say "Who are you? And why are you in my forest little girl?" I looked up and saw a similar dark being with a jagged spike like mouth and 2 eyes that are pure red with no pupils. "I am sorry mister, but I am (Y/n) (L/n). Plus I got lost running away from this pure black demon that has one pure gold eye." I said scared out of my mind to the being. "Who are you? If you don't mind me asking" I asked the being. He or she said "I am Zozo. The being of which that is a pure-hearted latin Demon."

Narrator Pov  (timeskip)

            The two talked for a few hours. "So Zozo..." asked (Y/n) in a bit of an intimidating manner. "Yes (Y/n). What do you want to say?" said Zozo while looking at the little girl with care in his demon eyes. "Could you be my new papa? Since my papa had died already." said the little girl with a cute pleading face. Zozo knew he couldn't let this child die, but he was a demon for crying out loud. He thought for at least a solid 3 minutes before answering "I would love to be your new father (Y/n). But are you pure shadow shifter?" Little (y/n) waited to answer because she actually didn't know if she was or not. But then she answered with "I honestly don't know. But I think I am actually a demon shifter. I am not too sure of who or what I am anymore". She said with no hope in her voice as if she was speechless at the moment. But of her and Zozo became the most beautiful relationship with a father and daughter could ever have. 

The End     

I have to say thank you all of you guys for supporting me and for encouraging me to keep on going. Right now I am going through a big change in my life. And I am trying to go through a hard time to keep on going. So thank you all for supporting.  

595 words

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