(Annabelle) Love is forever, hate is suicide

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Part 2 to Annabelle Oc so I hope you like it. Warning cursing is mentioned so I am sorry.

(Y/n) POV

    It has been about almost 7 three years since I lived with Anna, and now I am 10. Well, she technically my mom because of the way she raised me. She was so kind to take me in as her daughter and raised me as her own. 

    I have been trying to find a way to learn how to kill in secret but mom caught me. "What did I tell you about killing (y/n)," mom scolded me with her killer glare. In which I responded with ", Don't kill until I am at least 16 or 17. Also, not to get blood on the sacred carpet of death." I told my mom in disappointment.

    Then later that evening my mother sent me out to get items for dinner. But on my way back to the Slender Manor  I went down the haunted alley. But I was cornered when I saw a big dog-like creature, but the creature had no fur and was very skinny and could see its bones. It had a raspy voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard when he spoke.

    As it kept coming towards me it stopped dead in its tracks. I was able to see it clearly now. It was the rake. A hairless human-like creature with long nails and bright red eyes. I was relieved that it was him and not a well a mutated radioactive rat. I hate any kind of rats so much.

  "Rake why are you here," I asked Rake with a soothing voice. "I came to get you. Something bad has happened," as soon as he spoke I ran to my home with the groceries in my hands. As soon I got home I saw my mom on the ground and saw fucking Toby Rodgers over my mom trying to kill her.

   My mind snapped and I charged at Toby, but I stopped it wasn't my mom it was another girl with red hair. I spoke with hate "Who are you and why are you in this Manor?" I could see she is hesitating to speak. "I am the Surika a creature that lives in the mind, and I don't know why I'm here I just appeared here out of nowhere."

   I realized that why she looked like my mom this is my mom's insanity. Surikas also know as the 'keepers of the mind'. If she is here my mom has gone insane. I saw my mother has run at us and she was gone. The person she was is gone. I started to cry but my mom stopped she was still in her 'creature form'. 

  "Honey are you okay," my mom spoke in her 'creature form'. I shook my head no in fear of her that she might kill me or not. My mom went back to normal I was terrified I broke down then or there I couldn't. I just couldn't handle it anymore, I was terrified of dying and my mom knew that.

   I was able to muster all my strength and get up and run out of the front door of the Manor with terror on my face. I ran into the forest my face covered in terror as I ran. I tripped over a tree root and cried a little bit from the fall. I picked myself up and laid my back against the tree.

  I have shown my true self. I was a windigo a spirit that had no memory of my past and that died from abuse. I cried into my arms. I heard something but I ignored it and continued to cry. "What's wrong," said a voice coming out of nowhere. "Who's there," I crocked out. "I am, your mother. I am sorry for what I did I am very sorry honey," my mom said hugging me.

   "Mom, I have a question?" I asked her and in response, she hummed to say 'go ahead'. I sighed then said, "what would you do if I just disappeared and you couldn't find me?" My mother just sighed and thought for a few minutes. "Well, I would cry and try to find you no matter what. Then if I found you dead I would kill that person. If I find out if you committed suicide I would beat myself up and say 'it was my fought that you are gone'."

   I was crying a bit but smiled and spoke in a soft voice," If I committed suicide I would at least say 'at least someone loved me'." I finished and hugged her I don't want to die. But if I did I would always know someone at least cared for me. My mom. My mother is all I have left and I am glad I have her with me.

The end.
Part 3 may take longer to write. I hope you like this is based on what really happened to my sister and not what I said earlier if you want to what really happened just ask.

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