Masky, Hoodie and...Toby why?

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Narrator Pov (the proxies)

             As the proxies were walking through the dense and hauntingly forest that seems abandoned, but it is owned by Slenderman himself. Toby and Masky had gotten into another argument about waffles and cheesecake to see that one is better than the other. "No way, waffles are way better than cheesecake." began an enraged Toby holding his head in annoyance for his own conversation. "In your dreams hatchet boy, cheesecake is way better than something that has sticky and sickeningly sweet syrup on it, even if it is a breakfast food or not," Masky argued in an unamused voice he always does everytime he talks, while not looking at his teammates and/or parents in killing crime.

          Hoody had enough of the useless bickering between the other two proxies. "Guys, why do you two always fight about the same thing almost every single time", he said in an annoying voice while rubbing his ski-masked, covered temple in the process. Then soon after the bickering had stopped at the same time that has always does, Hoodie heard a young adult that sounded like a female singing in a soft and delicate voice. "Be quiet you two, okay." Said Hoodie in a little anger and the other two nodded their heads in unison in agreement.

     Hoodie has just then, instructed Toby to sneaked behind the young female silently. Just then he brought down his hatchet down hard into the young woman's skull harshly likely planned by Hoodie that told Toby to do. Masky looked at the lady and saw at least a 2-month-old baby girl that was being held in the arms of the woman.

       "Toby and Hoodie, you guys just killed a 2-month-old's mother. What have you guys done?" Mashy had quietly yelled, loud enough for Hoodie and Toby to hear while trying to not wake up the sleeping baby girl. They both brought down their heads down in disappointment. Just at that moment, the baby girl woke up sounding happy. The baby laughed at the men that looked funny to her. "Well, I guess we can raise her as our own." Said an excited Toby, that picked up the baby that was laughing at the boy with the mouth guard. After that moment all the proxies agreed to raise the baby together.

Will Mama Masky, Papa Hoodie and the Guardian Toby will be able to raise such a child at the age of 2 months. Well good luck~~~~

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