The Black Heart (Dark Link x child reader)

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Narrator POV

            Dark was at Slender Manor for a meeting today. But he couldn't get there because of a certain someone.
(*cough* blonde midget *cough*) because they turn off the TV and Dark got trapped in the cord in the process and couldn't get out because of it.  Dark was tried about all of it. He was tired about being the punching bag literally and figuratively. Tired of not being welcomed to the manor. Then out of nowhere the TV in the living room turned on.

     Dark Link acted fast on this as a way to escape from his prison. It took at least maybe 10 seconds to get to the living room, and as soon as he got out.  He interrupted Ben playing a game of Mario Kart III on the Wii. "What the hell, Dark Link you're no longer welcome here, " spoke a blonde midget named BEN Drowned. In which Dark rolled his eyes in the annoyance of said midget. "I am just here to get my stuff and then I am leaving, " Dark said as he went into his room to get his clothes and electronics.

*time skip to his house 3 weeks later*

(Y/n) POV,

   It has been three weeks since I was kicked out of my home. Everything went downhill since then. My family disowned me because of my natural white hair and because of my unnatural coloured eyes. Which are completely black. I barely had enough to survive. I ran out of food 5 days ago and now I barely had water. I can't stand that well because of not eating anything.

     I was staying an alleyway when it started to rain. Many people would find shelter. But I am not many people because I can't really walk that well and I am malnutrition. Meaning I am smaller and weaker than many of my age. I was curled up with my stomach growling when I heard someone stop. I thought it was another homeless man about to beat me up. I got scared and looked up.

Dark Link POV,

    I walked out of the store with my food for the week. During the time of my move, I got a job of designing games and backgrounds. I made really good money. I walked past an alley when I heard growling. So I carefully stopped and looked I saw a little (gender) that looked awfully skinning and underweight.

    They looked up at me and got scared. So I bend down at their level." Are you hungry? Where are your parents? Do you need help? " I asked the kid. They nodded and begun to answer, " I am starting I haven't eaten in 5 days. My parents have disowned me 3 weeks ago. And yes I need help. I am not normal." As I heard say this I saw them break down to tears while trying not being scared.

     "How about you come and live with me and be my child, " I asked them with empathy in my tone of voice to the child. I saw them shake their head yes. That was when to decide to pick them up. They were very lightweight and had many scars over their body. I ran to my home with my food still in hands I sat the child in a chair then put the food. Then brought my attention back to the child.

*time skip to 3 months later brought by a fluffy kitty named Marshmallow*

(Y/N)'s POV

   I was sitting on the couch with my pet kitten Marshmallow when I heard shouting at the front door. "FBI OPEN UP!!" (Jk not really I just wanted to do that) "Dark Link opens up the fucking door now. Slender wants to talk to you, " yelled a mysterious man at the door. I got scared but still walked to the door and opened it up.

   That was when I saw two men: one with a mask with a jacket with a rock. The other with a mouth guard along with goggles and a hoodie. "What the!? Why is their a child here, " said the one with the feminine mask on. I just rolled my eyes and spoke ", Who are you? what do you need? Also, who is Slender?" After I asked my questions to them I got picked up by my father. "These are Toby and Masky. They want me to speak to their boss. And Slender is their boss, " my father answered my questions for me and in which I nodded to him to say I understand.

    "Plus I am not allowed there anymore, remember," my father said with irritation in his voice. I just hugged my father's side and stayed silent. "Well something came up and we need your help. Slender is trapped in a video game, " I heard my father sigh in frustration and grabbed my hand. Then I blackout for a few seconds and woke up in a big mansion."Watch my daughter/son/child and keep them safe. Or I kIlL yOu." I heard my father say and then glitched and twitch at the two men from earlier.

     "So, would you like cheesecake or pancakes, " Masky asked me. I thought for a moment then asked ", Can I have both, please?" To which both men smiled like they never smiled before. So which made me laugh. I stayed in the kitchen until my dad came home which was around midnight.

    "Is it okay me and my daughter stay here tonight, " I heard my dad asked. In which Slender nodded.

Well, I am going to have a lot of fun and adventures from now on. I just hope my father will let me come here to go on them at least.

Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals I will well be taking a small break to keep away from social media. It will only be a week I so sorry but I have school tomorrow so that's kinda why. Bye guys, I love you.

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