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Hey, guys, I am back to writing my book and ready to create.

Clockwork POV

    I was walking through a neighbourhood at night by myself. Actually, I am with my boyfriend Ticci Toby, he is the best boyfriend ever. Well, he is to me that is.  Well, we were walking when we noticed that the lights in the neighbourhood went out all of a sudden. I and Toby weren't scared at all. But we were shocked at seeing a little girl run down the street while screaming "Stay away from me. I didn't do nothing to you" she yelled while crying. That was when I realized that she was running from Jeff the Killer. "Stop running you brat" he yelled. I whisper to Toby " Stall Jeff while I help the child" he nodded his head. He ran to Jeff and took his knife. "GIVE IT BACK TOBY!!" Yelled Jeff with anger in his voice. Well, he is now pissed. I ran to the child who fell and is now in a dark alleyway. "Please don't hurt me," she asked with sadness in her voice. I walk over to her and hugged her. "I will never hurt you," I said happily to her. "Can you be my new momma?" she said. I was surprised but was happy I shook my head yes. "What's your name?" I questioned she didn't answer. I assume she doesn't have one. "Well, then how does (y/n) then. She smiled and hugged me. Then I saw Toby still running but without the knife. Uh, I just ran with you in my arms and hugged her tightly enough so she doesn't fall. Toby looked happily at me and said " new duaghter" I nodded. From then on  (y/n) became my only daughter. I called her my ticking Heart.

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