Silent Scream

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This is an Oc request and it is by SavannatheCrAzY. Thank you and plus " mean sign language and not actually talking. You live under a bridge that you call home. I so sorry there are going to be strong words going towards the mute reader. My twin sister is mute so I am not hating. You are 7 years old in the first.

Narrator POV

        It was a dark and silent day as a solar eclipse is happening. A child that happened to be mute was enjoying time in the park looking at the eclipse with solar glasses to block the rays in order to see. They were having fun till two boys taking the glasses and breaking them and then running away.

      The child quickly looked down just in time too not getting blind by the eclipse. They sighed and got up from the ground and dust them off. And started walking home. They always had no friends because they can't talk and that they had unnatural coloured hair that was (f/c).

    As they walked home. They saw a girl with purple and blue hair. They were having trouble carrying bags. "Do you need help" they signed to the girl. She nodded that she needed their help.

Silent Scream PIC

        Finally, someone helped me. I signed,"Thank you so much for helping me." But they made me shocked by signing back,"no problem miss, I don't mind helping out anyone." Then they left, so I decide to follow them to find out where they live in and what they live in. Hey if your a killer you victims it is not a crime, well technically it is but I don't care I have to make a living.


       It has been about at least about two to three hours until the child made it to their house. Their home looked broken down and in very dirty, so instead of looking white, it was a murky brown colour. I wonder why? But as I saw them go in their home I heard a loud crash coming from the house.

     "Your pathetic and weak, why must you be mute. Your brother is deaf, but yet he talks so why must you be so useless" screamed a woman with disgust in her voice she sounds to be in her mid 30's. 'Wow, how harsh does she sound' I thought to myself. Then I heard a loud slap go against the skin with such hard force.

      That was when I broke I ran at the door with such force that I turned into a dark cloud of mist. I was shocked but I shook it off and came to a stop at the scene in front of my eyes in such a way with disgust. The mother of the child had their hands on their neck squeezing with force and they passed out.  

      Then her father had kicked them in the gut at least 5 times. I stepped into the situation at the exact moment. "Why are you hurting a child" I signed to the parents. They were shocked to see me, then I signed, "Well long time no see, mother and father." They stopped (never got her real name)."Rivage, honey is that you, my baby girl we thought you died in that car crash" said, my so-called parents.

     I was shocked that they still remember me or all these years. But all I signed was "You deserve to die, I am sorry. But I never loved you." I was crying but I held back my tears as I stabbed my golden dagger into their chest but I went to my sister and carried her to my home in the woods away from all humans.

Time skip ~3 years~ (You are now 10 years old)


         Today is my birthday and third year of being with my sister. Also, I have met her boyfriend he is really nice he is annoying. Especially when he tics they are so aggravating to stand around for too long. Is his name Tikki Toby? Well, something like that I don't know but he is nice.

     As they finished singing well Toby stopped singing I blew out my cakes candles I smiled. I love my sister and a new family.

The End

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