Victims and Lies (Slenderman)

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First, off in this one, it would be two kids. But they already have names Dusk and Dawn. If one of them your names you're lucky but one is a girl while the other is a boy.

Narrator's POV

       It was a cold and misty night in a dark and dense forest of Slendermans. You could even hear a teenager screaming in unforgetting agonising painful death. The killers kept quiet as they were killing their victims to satisfy their bloodlust that they desire so much. Two kids at the age of 7 to 8 years maybe 9 years old were walking in the cold dark and mysterious forest. They loved the darkest of the nights during the beginning of summer. They have also loved the forest at night too. But could them have to know that the creature of the forest was watching them?

Dawn and Dusk POV

      We were walking in the Slender Forest because our parents were fighting again like any other night. This night was different from the other nights though. We felt dark and non-existing aura like any other from a dark being. This an aura that we have never felt before as if it is new. We keep our distance between each other to a minimum amount to try to keep safe. Keeping as close as we can with each other,"Did you hear a static sound sis" asked Dusk. His sister nodded yes while they were still walking in the forest. Then they heard the sound happening again but louder.

        "Brother I am scared," said the younger twin sister Dawn. Then they saw him. They saw Slenderman so they ran off into the other direction. But were stopped by three shorter men. "Stay away from us" yelled Dusk while trying to sound brave while trying to protect his sister, but failed at trying to do so. Then Dawn said, "if you want I can help you in any way possible." Her brother was surprised by his sister's response and actions to the beings. "Sis are you crazy!!" yelled out Dusk in a little bit of horror.  

      "I am just being nice is all," said Dawn giggling a little bit. But stopped from seeing her brother with a 'are you nuts' look. As the three-man laughing a little bit at the little girl trying to make some conversation. One of the men that had the white mask bend down and looked at Dawn and then looked at Dusk and said: "Well Slenderman, was wondering if you both wanted to join us at the mansion that we live in,". 

   Dusk POV

         This proxy of Slenderman asked me and my sister if we wanted to live with him. But I don't want to live or join them at all. I just hate the thought of killing anyone in order to save the life of me and my sister. Then I spoke,"No way. Why would I and my sister stay with killers?"But my sister was the opposite of it. "I would love to, but my brother hates people that kill people," said Dawn who can actually kill people easily."Fine I would too, but do you guys have space, food, water, and clothes for us," said Dusk then Slenderman mentioned, "We do but you have to kill people for you guys to stay with us." They both nod but Dawn smiled her killer like smile while Dusk did a blank smile.  

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