The Triplet Trio x child!demon!reader (Friends Oc)

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Ichi POV

        My sister and I were walking through the desolated and broken-down city of Zion. Creatures of all kinds were walking and playing. No humans in sight for miles in any direction. The only thing to be heard was the sounds of the animals being heard. "Sis, it's so boring here. I want to go out and kill people, so we can feed ourselves and our pets, " spoke Tres.

    In which I nod in agreement with my sister. It was boring sitting around all day with nothing to do. So we went to our other sister Zwei who was in the castle that we live in. "Wanna race to the castle Ichi?" asked Tres with a smirk on her face, so in which I smirked and nodded.

   I got into position and said ", Ichi, Zwei, Tres, GO!" We sped up as fast we could which was really fast about 200 miles an hour at most. We laughed while racing, we hardly spend time together since I live in the forest. I moved out when I came of age.

  Time slowed as we stopped at the castle. I finally, get to see my young sister since I left 5 years ago. I sighed as Tres and I entered the throne room of the castle. There I saw Zwei who was 7 feet tall. She was a teenager and all. So it was normal.

  I was the shortest since I was 4''3 and growing thought I was only 20 in human years. In gaveo years I was only 20,000. Zwei was 17 in human years, and 17,999 in gaveo years. Tres was 14 in human years but 14,995 years in gaveo. Tres still didn't have wings yet though.

  "Well look what the mouse drag in," Zwei smirked at her oldest sister than her younger sister. In which she walked down her thrown in the middle of the abandon city's castle. Tres and I giggled then I responded with a simple ", Hello dear sister, how are you doing with ruling the city?" My sister didn't respond right away but waited.

  Zwei smiled lightly then told her 'beloved' sisters then said ", I am doing quite. Well, let's say alright for a queen that is always so busy." When she finished she sighed. I worry about her since the whole Quatre passed away because Zwei loved her so much.

  "Some people entered the city, let's go kill them," said Zwei since she can feel when humans enter her and Tres domain. Since I have my own domain in the woods since I decide to leave on my own. 

      *time skip from the 2-minute walk*

   "We need to talk to your 'queen'," I heard a deep gruffly voice say as we got closer. "Sorry but the queen doesn't talk to outsiders," I heard a guard say. "Silence Gran, what does the man have to say," I heard Zwei say in her queen voice.

  "Slenderman needs your help, he is under attack by Zalgo," responded the guy with a feminine mask in a hurry. Till I realised it was Masky, he looked like he just ran a marathon. In which he probably did because of how far slender woods was 15 miles away from here.

   "Hey Masky, let me guess Slender because he is now captured by our father," I ask in a calm and demanding voice. He just nodded as his comrades stared at us in utter shock. In which I sighed then replied ", Yes Zalgo is our dad, have a problem with it?" I just stood my ground silently. 

*Time skip cause I don't do fight sequences, but in Zalgo's castle*

Zwei's POV

   "Well, that is done. What do we do now?" questioned Tres until we heard loud crying. I carefully walked behind the throne to see a baby with light (s/c) with (h/l) (h/c) hair and black wings. I saw Ichi go closer and pick them up.

  "I will raise (him/her) as my own child," I heard Ichi say in which I let her. Masky thanked her and left with Hickey Toby(I am evil ^-^) and Hoodie. While Slenderman just teleported away after thanking all of us.

  I guess I have a niece now. 

Sorry it took so long I have been getting ready to graduate but here it is. So sorry but the reader doesn't appear much.

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